I left my heart at home

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"Here, take my number. Talk to me when I'm not drunk out my ass." He smiled. He places the phone back in her hand. Quick hugs to both.

"Bye girls." He waved.

"So like Alan fucking Ashby likes you Maddie!" Illy squealed. Maddies eyes still stuck to her phone. Staring at his number. Ten digits that combined to connect to him. The sound of his voice could be heard if you dialed it. A text pressed by his fingers could read if you sent it.

Contact name replaces with

Alan <3

"He's not gonna remember me. He's drunk." She deletes his contact

Enter contact number

"What makes you think that?" I questioned. She just shook her head. "Maddie, you're fucking crazy. You just deleted Alan Ashbys number!" She nudged her. "I know I was there." Maddie got up and walked to the curb. "Where's Reid at dammit!" She yelled. She was avoiding conversation.

"Maddie?" She turned around. "What?" She quickly wiped away the tear the ran down her eye. Her legs bounced as she tried to contain herself. "What makes you think he won't like you?" I asked. I walked up to her. She wiped another tear from her eye. "Look at me. I'm fucking crying. That's one."

I laughed. "I cry all the time." She shrugged and continued to search for their car. "And why would he go out with me? He's on warped tour, thousands of cute girls will flirt with him everyday." She whispered

"Psh, girl he likes you. Shut up." I laughed. I emerged her in a hug. "Now go home and text him. He's amazing and sweet. And when he comes back we can all hang out and shit." I small blue car. "Wait, I deleted his number." Maddie said alarmed.

I laughed. "Here." I replaced the 10 digits with Alan's long term number. She smiled, before hugging me again. "Bye Toby." She smiled. She ran to the honking car. They both waved from the window. I waved back.


"Hey! We're Of mice and men!" The crowd roared. People pushed their way to the front. Girls prompt themselves on larger males bodies. Two guys got ready, arraigning a big pit. People tied their long hair in knots. The tears fell down some faces. The screams overpowering the starting guitars. Austin's long legs carried his skinny body. He twirled the microphone. Tossed it in the air.

The music dropped. Pick back up. Shay slammed his guitar. The pits started. Austin Roared.

"It's all been said!"

Watching them play was amazing. I saw them play in Shays basement, but not on a big stage on Warped tour. Austin always played with his angry face. It was cute. I knew he had a rough life. This was and is his way of coping. Or just telling his story. I'm happy to see people care enough to listen.


I walked back to their bus. It was a big black bus. It was shiny and clean. It sparkled in the dark. I ran my finger against it as I walked.

I reached the door. It was open. I pulled it open, shutting it back. I climbed the four steep wooden steps. They were all yelling and screaming inside. "Omg, chill this is too raw!" 

They laughed at Tinos outburst.

I walked in more, looking around what would be their home for three months. It was already a pigsty. I slightly laughed. I walked passed the craziness. Not catching anyone's attention. I pushed the curtain back revealing a bunch of bunks. Some were already covered with blankets and bags. It was a small bathroom. Still clean.

I wondered how long it would remain. At the very back of the bus was another door. I slid it open. It resembled the front area. Just smaller. I looked around it. Shays guitar laid on one of the couches. A stack of starwars merchandise laid on the opposite. Austin's fans know him well.

I picked up one of the light sabers. I flicked it on. The swooshing sound emerged with its bright red color. I smiled.

Another swooshing sound startled me. I turned around to see Austin grinning. He held a green one. "Stat your name trooper!" He smiled. I laughed. I pointed mine at him too. "First you must stat yours." He rose his eyebrow At me, before slapping the saber on the back of my knees.

I laughed as I fell over onto the couch. He ran over and stood over me. "Again. Stat your name Trooper." He smiled. I slapped it out his hand and pulled him to me. "When you get back from warped, you'll never forget it." I whispered in his ear. He quickly picked his head up.

His eyes met mine. "What?!" He laughed. I laughed at him. I wiggled from his grasp. I sat up on the couch. Still in shock by my statement he sat up next to me. I smiled, as I slowly kissed him. He pulled away minutes later. He rested his forehead to mine.

"I'm gonna miss you." He whispered. I pressed his lips to mine again. "I am too." I said back. I kissed his jaw. My phone vibrated. "Oh!" I laughed.

"All the time." He laughed. He placed his head on my shoulder. I picked my phone up.

Farrah :)

"Hello? What's up?" I played with his fingers.

"How's warped? I wish I could of went." She spoke softly.

"It's okay. And it's great. Gonna head home soon actually." Austin's body tensed when I spoke of leaving.

"Oh, well tomorrow I kind of have a..uh.." She stopped. "A what? Tell me." I was curious. "I need to go to the doctors." She whispered.

Her tone scared me. "You're not getting rid of it, are you!?" I yelled, causing Austin to jump, with confusion. "No no no!" She yelled.

"Oh." I sighed. I sat back again, Austin resting his head back to my shoulder, and his hand to mine. "I just need to see if its okay and what ever."

"Did you even tell your mom?" I bit my fingers. "No." She replied.

I sighed loudly. "Farrah!" I whined. "I'm scared okay? I have no one to help me either. This isn't easy." She hissed. Her bipolar hormones surely showing. "Okay, okay. Sorry. I'll come with you tommorrow. Okay?"

She sighed. "Okay. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and looked to see a sleeping Austin. I smiled, kissed his freckles the lined his nose and cheeks. He crinkled his nose and sighed. I got up and placed his head and legs on the couch. I threw a Star Wars blanket a fan got him on top of him, before kissing him again.

"I love you." I whispered. I turned off the light and closed the back lounge door. I saw Shay sitting in the small booth, he was writing in his famous lyric book. The one that was destroyed had no available pages. I gripped his shoulder. "Give it up, there's no more corners." I laughed

"Shut up!" He laughed back. I smiled "I'm gonna get going now." He frowned "Now? It's so early." He said looking at the clock. I looked at it too.


"Yeah you're right." I said sarcastically. He laughed. "I'm gonna miss you. Call me everyday. Or I'll call you." He smiled, suffocating me in a hug. "Oh-kay." I breathed. He laughed. "See you in three months." I smiled, awkwardly. "Yeah. Love you."

"I love you too, Shay." I walked passed the rest of the drunk and passed out members. I walked back out into the dark sky. I followed the street lights to the parking lot. Ryan's van one of the few that still sat there. I walked to it. "Hey guys, ready to go?"

Ryan got off the hood. "Yup, leggo!" He smiled. I got in the backseat. The rest of the band sat up front. They blasted Usher and sang along. I leaned my head on the window. I didn't even notice I was crying, until I saw wet spots on my phone.

I sucks not having your best friend with you all summer. He goes off to have the time of his life, while you sit behind. It makes me feel like nothing. A feeling I hate feeling. Worthless.


Thanks for reading. This chapter sucks, I know. It gets better next chapter, I swear!

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Miles away - Memphis May Fire

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