I'll never get up!

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                                            I'll never get up!

Didn't you miss Toby! I know i did. Soo here she is! This may be mega long! Maybe not. SOO um, ENJOY! 

Toby's P.O.V.

"Marisol Stamos, Erika Dean, Hector Nolan, Roger La-" I cut her off.

"Okay, Okay. How many spots are left though?" I bite my lip. My face full off anxiety. 

"1..3..4..9.." She paused and stared at the screen, eating her index finger. "17 spots left." She murmured. My heart dropped. The spots for this college were filling up like crazy, i needed this. Just a couple more designs and i can send my portfolio in. 

"Are you serious, Farrah?" I slumped down on my beanbag. I was more like a clothes bag because all my clothes covered it. She continued scrolling through the college page. "Can you believe even Jessica Monroe made it! That girl can't even make a decent design." Her eyes still on the screen.

I got up from the beanbag and over to my desk. I stared at the screen that had all the kids who made it into the school. "This is depressing." I frowned. I leaned my head on her shoulder.

My phone rang.

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

I answered it. "Hey Andy." My voice still sad and depressed.

"Why so sad, baby?" I jumped on my bed and laid down. "Well for starters" Farrah laid next to me. She put her leg around me, and her head near mines so she could hear him. "There's only 17 spots left in the NY school." 

"Aww, don't worry. You got this. Get those last designs done. Send them in, then Boom!" 

Me and Farrah laughed. 

We continued talking to Andy on the phone. We talked about their new band, and school. I seriously missed this. Laughing in my room with my friends. I totally forgot about the designs and got more relaxed. Maybe with this kind of attitude i could finish my designs. 

"LEVI!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. "Mommy's home!" I yelled

"Levi's home!" Farrah said after me. "Andy, i'll call you back okay, love?" I hung up and we both ran down the steps. There were pickles all over the floor and shattered glass. "What happened?" I directed to Levi. 

"What makes you think i did this?" He said in defense. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Okay, whatever. I just wanted a pickle, dang." 

My mom slapped him in his head. "I told your slick self to wait." He pouted. "Now pick it up." He began picking pickles up. Farrah helped him. They started talking about her band as well. My mom was in the kitchen putting things up. I sat on the counter. 

"Sooo, mommy?" I kicked my legs. She handed me some cans. "So...what?" She asked. I started putting the cans up. "Who's the lucky guy?" She stopped. Then she looked at me, face red.

"Awww, Mom!" I got down and hugged her. "Tell me, tell me, tell me!" I chanted. 

"Okay, okay. shhh!" She sat us down on the stools. "His name is Johnny." My face lit up with excitement. She hushed me again. "Look, look. Okay and um, he works in new york, and i met him here and-" I cut her short with my hug. 

"I'm so happy for you mommy." I squeezed her tight. She squeezed back. "Why?" She asked laughing. I let go and shrugged. "I mean, it's been a while now, you know?" She smiled and hugged me again. I kissed her cheek. She got up and continued putting food up. "Just don't tell Levi okay."

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