Don't you cry mama..

708 13 7

Toby-Anne's Point of view...

"This." I pointed between me and him. "It stays between you and me, Okay Shayley?" I pulled my shirt down and sighed. He put his hands up. "Not a word." He smirked. I put my hair in a ponytail, because i sweat out my beautiful curls. "You look fine." He said, noticing me worry.

I looked back at him. "Thanks." I smiled. Her returned the favor, picking up my bag and handing it to me. "Now lets get you back to Austin." He whispered. Even after what we shared he was still upset. I could hear it in his voice. I just want him to be happy. I want us to all be happy.

The car ride was quiet. Not entirely awkward, just quiet. Although my hand was latched to his, as he kept his eyes to the road. I hadn't a clue what to say to break the silence that suffocated me. We were never this way. Quiet drives and thick silence; that wasn't our friendship at all. We laughed and made jokes.

I turned his radio on, and i saw him look at me. I skipped a couple stations until i heard a song from when i was younger. I couldn't help but smile like a doof.

"Ohhhhh this my. this my shit! Ohhh this my..this my shit!" I yelled jumping around his bed. "Come on Shay. I heard that you were talking shit, and you didn't think that i would hear it!" I laughed.

I plopped on his back. "I ain't no holla back girl!" I rolled next to him, laughing. He smiled a sleepy grin. "Wake up, babe." He stared at me for a bit before quickly kissing me. "No." He yawn. I got up and turned the song up. He smiled. "This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S" He covered his ears with his pillow.

I snatched it from him, and hit him with it. " This shit is bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S" I watched as he rose, and tackled me; pinning me on his bed. He kissed me deeply, pulling away. "I'm up, you lunatic." He smiled.

He turned the station. "That song's shit." He smiled. I laughed reaching my hand to turn back. "It's amazing." He slapped my hand way.

"No, Anne. It sucks." We began fighting over the radio. "Come on Shay! It's bananas B-A-N-A-N-A-S!" I laughed. He eventually gave in and laughed at my horrid singing.


He parked his car about a block from Austins. I sighed, feeling content but a little guilty with my desicions. "I'll see you in like 10." He smiled.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. "Taking Am to see Blood on the dance floor." He reminded me. "Oh." I laughed. "Hey, not fair. You can go see those creeps, but won't listen to No Doubt with me?" I grinned.

"Oh hush up, and go enjoy your date." He smiled. He unlocked the door, and grabbed my bag; placing it in my hands. I got out and looked back at him. "I love you, Shay." I smiled.

He looked at his hands, then back to me. "I love you too, Anne." With that I closed the door and walked to Austins house.

It was much energetic in here then when i left. Amber was blasting music as she frantically ran up and down the stairs, while Austin must've been traveling behind her, picking up her mess.

"Austin!? Where's my pink tutu?" She yelled up the stairs. I walked into the living room and looked at all the glitter and rainbows Amber left about. "Check your closet!" He yelled back.

She ran up the stairs, and seconds later. "No it's not!" She whined. I heard him sigh. "If i go in there and find it Am.." He threaten. I smiled. They were seriously the cutest things ever.

I didn't even notice the nicely set up kitchen. There was a nice table cloth and unlit candles on top. We were supposed to just watch a stupid romantic comedy on netflix while eating day old In-and-out on his couch.

Amber came back down the stairs and noticed me. "Oh hey Toby-fuck!" She whispered then ran back up the stairs. She loudly whispered. "Austin, She's here." He shh'ed her, "Make sure she doesn't see the kitchen. I'll clean up the living room."

I couldn't help help but to laugh. Amber came back down and smiled. "Hey wanna go um...go outside..?" she smiled, grabbing my hand. I went along and waited on the porch for Austin to finish his 'masterpiece'.

She pushed some hair from her face. "So, how's Farrah?" She asked randomly. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm sure she's great. Why'd you ask?" She mimiked my face. "Didn't you just go see her?"

Fuck, Anne

"Oh yeah. I did. She's great. Getting bigger by the minute." I rambled. She looked at me with pure confusion. "Ok then."

Surely saved my the bell, Shayley pulled up in their driveway. "Shay!" she yelled running toward his car. He got out and picked her up, spinning her around. He kissed her forehead. "Ready to have some fun Am?" He smiled.

"Uh duh!" She laughed. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and walked up the steps and looked at me. I smiled. "Hey Anne. Haven't seen you since New York." He pulled me into a hug.

"Missed you." I smiled. Austin opened the door. "Anne! Shayley! Hey guys." He grinned, handing Amber a pink Tutu. Her eyes popped, as she put it over her green tights. Austin wrapped his arm around my waist, kissing my forehead. "Okay here's the rules." He explained to Shay.

He laughed. "Ok number one, don't let her near those creeps." Amber rolled her eyes. "Ok got it, what else?" He questioned. "That's it." Austin laughed.

"Well ok then. Have fun on your little date then." He smiled. Amber rose her eyebrow. "Come on Am, for we miss the good bands." Shay laughed, walking to the car.

She looked at her brother. "Can i ask Toby something?" She smiled. He looked down at me. "Meet me inside, beautiful." He smiled, kissing me sweetly. He walked in and Amber sent me a glare from hell.

"You're cheating on my brother." She hissed.

My breath caught in my throat. "Wh-what? Amber really? With who?" I asked, trying to sound confident. She just shock her head. "Fucking slut." she whispered, as she walked away and into Shays passenger seat. He waved to me, while she folded her arms and stared at me.

They drove away, and i had to stop the urge to break down right on Austins porch.

Letlive- Muther

I'm so sorry this chapter sucks and that i haven't updated in like two months. As always with me, my wifi absoulutly sucks and i using my moms phone to write this.

Please don't think i don't have any interest in this story or that i lost my passion. I know where i want this to go and i want you all to see it. Not just me. thanks to those who stock around.

again, super sorry, and thank you for reading, commenting and voting. Means a lot.

Also thanks for 37,000 reads!!!

Fan. Vote. Comment. Suggestions.

Love you guys <3

What if I don't wanna fall? (Austin Carlile Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant