Ashes Ashes, We all fall down

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                                 Ashes, Ashes, We all fall down

This Chapter's mostly about Levi. I wanted to show all the ohhy gooy love before i let the drama happen. I already have two amazing drama filled scenes in my head. They might be in the next chapter or? Maybe a filter chaper to show where Toby, Austin, and Shay are. Let me know? Okay now by 

P.S That's Farrah at the side. Or Taylor Momsen. xD ENJOY

Two months passed. The breezy winter California air turned into rays of sun, flowers blossoming widely. Short shorts came back out and so did the girls wearing them. People became more aware of the outside world. Spring had arrived. Toby and Austin continue to see each other, Shay hasn't given the time of day to Toby. Levis band got signed to Rise records and he and JoJo has gotten pretty close. They head to Warped this summer. The April air warned everyone of finals, also the summer. 

Levi's P.O.V.

I woke up on her floor. I peered up on her bed. Jojo laid there, sleeping calmly. Her chest moving up and down in rhythm. I arisen to kiss her soft face. My mane that i call hair tickled her face. Her nose crinkled "I'm sorry." I giggled. Her eyes popped open to my voice "Ahh, no I'm ugly in the morning." She tried to escape to the bathroom. "Ah shut up" I grabbed hold of her waist and we fell back on her bed. "Do you see this fucking hair?" 

She smiled. She backed up against me, getting comfortable. She bumped me. My face flushed red and I tried to ignore the feeling over coming me. Just when my phone buzzed. "Oh god." I moaned in her ear. She laughed and asked "What silly?" I pointed to my phone, she moved up to let me off her bed. It was Ryan. "Dude you coming to school?" I looked at the time "Oh, yeah I'll be there soon." The time teased me with the numbers 8:03. I hung up the phone and walked back over to Jojo. "Gotta go, see you in Geometry?" I kissed her lips and stared into her hazel eyes wanting more. She pulled me back, kissing me slowly. She slipped her tongue into my mouth. Her hands running through my hair. My knees were soon at her side and my body hovered over her. She then started picking up her pace. She yanked at my shirt, pulling my body closer to hers. Her hands traced down my back and into my jean pockets. She grabbed a hold of my ass. I felt that feeling again and pulled away hovering over her face. I laughed at her annoyed face. "We will finish this some other time." She rolled her eyes "I swear!" I kissed her lips once more and got up."You suck!" She smiled and gave my face a slap. "Yeah yeah yeah." I went to her window and climbed to the porch roof. I checked to see if her mom was in the kitchen before I hopped down. I ran up the street and caught a ride on the back of a wonder bread truck. Just as it was about to turn, I hopped off and ran through the neighbors backyard, keeping low from their windows. If Mr.Oaks saw me I would have to clean his fucking garage again. I hopped the fence and grabbed hold of a branch. I pulled myself up and inched towards the hall window. My mom always opened it in the morning. Not today though. Fuck. I jumped to the roof and walked over to Toby's window. There was someone in there. Not Toby. I dodged making sure it wasn't my mom. I soon noticed the person begin to strip their clothes. She stood in a bright pink bra and some lace underwear. It was a nice view. After about a minute of staring at the mystery womans body I realized it was Farrah. Farrah stood there half naked. I'm guessing they had a sleepover. I heard "Levi!" Through the glass. Toby stood at the doorway and Farrah turned around and screamed. Toby laughed and told her to finish her changing in the bathroom. She opened the window for me. "Thanks."

"I just went into your room where were you?" She asked as she closed back the window. " Just went to the park to..." She cut me off "To fuck Jojo?" She laughed in my ear. My face burned "NO!" I walked out her room, as she continued laughing. As I walked past the bathroom, the door opened. Farrah gave me a look "Fucking pedo." I smiled "But Farrah, that ass though." She ran into the room "Toby!"

I walked into my room and quickly dropped my clothes. I stood in my briefs when I saw a figure through the mirror behind me. I turned around to see Farrah. "Liking the view, sexy?" I continued to search for clothes. Farrah made vomiting sounds "" She walked into my room. I watched her through the mirror. I found a pair of black jeans to put on. "Yes?" I asked as I slipped my legs in the jeans watching her touch the strings to my guitar. She curiously plucked at each string. "You play?" I zipped my pants "ehh." I grabbed my BMTH shirt. "Not really" I said as I placed it over my head and poked my arms through the holes. She continued to curiously pluck at the strings. "Why?" I said as I pointed at my shoes. She rolled her eyes and handed me my black and red Nike Pros. I sat on my bed to put my shoes on. The bed went down next to me. She sat close. "Maybe just maybe you could teach me some cool guitar shit." She poked my cheek. I finished tying my laces and looked at her. "Why?" I got up and looked for my bookbag. "What you gonna do for whittle oh Levi?" I smiled at her. "I'll drive you to school everyday for the rest of the school year." She pleaded. "Hmm" I pointed behind her to where my bookbag layed. She turned around and gave it to me. I tossed my iPod in it. It was 8:39 already. "Sure, but why do you wanna learn?" She twirled her car keys in her hand. "Maybe I want to start my own little band?" She giggled. She began to walk down the steps.  I followed behind her. Farrah was a weird kind of girl, She wore tight corsets and leather  pants. Her shoes were high and had dragon heads wrapped around the heel. He hair long, blonde and wavy. She had her bright blue eyes covered with a coat of thick black eyeliner. I've always had a crush on her, but me being 'little Levi' there was never a chance. Either way i have Jojo, the most amazing girl by far. Toby sat at her drawing desk. Erasing like mad. Her face showed fustration. I walked behind her and massaged her shoulders. "You can't force art." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me and smiled. "I know but I wanna get this Over with already." I patted her hair "You'll get there."

"You guys ready?" Farrah asked as she placed a cup that used to be filled with milk in the sink. "Come on let's get the fuck outta here!" I yelled. I covered my mouth. "Wait where's mom?"

"I don't know she didn't come home." 

"And that bitch ain't leave no cash!" Toby slapped me. "Shut up stupid." She handed me a 5. "Ohh. Me gusta."

We all got in Farrah's car. She dropped me out and they continued to their school. I had band practice after school. We need all the practice we could get. This is our first ever tour, and its a big one.

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