Don't let me go

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"Okay tomorrow, Times Square!" Alan yelled. I was pretty excited for tomorrow. I get to see my dream school up close. We got to our hotel and we got three rooms.

I plopped down on the bed. We've been all over the place today. I sighed rolling over. Austin fell next to me. "I'm so wrecked." He sighed. All night I couldn't stop thinking about what Shay had said. Why did he want to leave the band? They just started. Austin wrapped his arm around me. "What's wrong, you look in thought." He questioned.

I sighed. Maybe I should tell him so he can talk to him. He just needs to see how bad this band needs him. "Just thinking about my school. I hope I got in." I lied. He kissed my neck. "With skills like you, there's no way they'd deny you." I smiled at his kind words.

We laid like this, in silence. It was relaxing. Eventually Austin's soft snores filled my ears. I lifted his arm up and slowly slipped off the bed. I wasn't tired and it was 12 am. It would be 9 in California. Amber was sound asleep on the other bed. I decided I'd call Alan's room, see if Maddie wanted to get late night coffee. It answered.

"Hey Maddie?" I slipped my shoes on. Their voice scared me. "Nah, it's Shay. Mad's sleep, so is Alan and the rest. Why you still up?" He questioned. "Not tired. You?"

"Just been thinking too much." He whispered. I grabbed my sweater. "Hey wanna get some coffee?" I asked. He laughed. "Sure, why not. It is morning."

I met him downstairs by the hotel café. The smell of coffee and freshly baked pastries filled my nostrils. New York styled coffee was always the best. The elevator door opened and he walked out. He had basketball shorts on and a red football pullover. He smiled when he saw me. We walked into the café. Shay ordered our drinks and sat down.

He knew exactly what I wanted. "Here's your nasty green tea latte." He laughed, placing it in front of me. I smiled. "Why thank you." At first we just sat and talked about everything. It felt good to catch up on this with him. "She's nice though. Her names Bobbie. Met her at guitar center." He smiled.

"Got some wicked tattoos too." I smiled as he talked of the mystery woman. "So do you like her?" He looked down at his cup. "Nah..not really looking for anything right now." He played with the cardboard on his cup. I grabbed his hand and he looked up at me.

"What's up Shay? Why you so down lately? I really wanna know." He squeezed my hand. "I don't know, Anne. I'm just not feeling like myself lately. I feel like someone took a big part of me out, ya know?" I knew exactly what he meant. It was how I felt with Levi being gone. " I know what you're going through. Trust me it'll get better. Hang in there. At least for your fans." I smiled

He released my hand, rubbing his stubble. "I will, but after warped I don't think I could do this anymore." He whispered. My heart shattered. I didn't want him to give up his dreams. At least not this easy. "Shay..." I tried to grab his hand again, but he pulled it away. "I'm sorry, I-I just need some space." He said. Slowly he got up and walked out the café, leaving me alone. I sighed.

I wonder what's going through his head.


"Wakey wakey!" Someone yelled. They poked my face. I groaned turning over. "What time is it?" I croaked out. They paused. "9:30, now come on get up!"


I opened my eyes to see her lying besides me. She wasn't dressed yet. "Good morning beautiful." She smiled. Someone was in the shower. By the sounds of their singing I was guessing it was Amber. I put my glasses on and stretched.

"Where's Austin?" I questioned. I looked over to see Noux and Jennifer doing their hair in the mirror. "The guys are in Our room." Jennifer smiled. I gave har a thankful nod. I got up and started searching my bags for clothes. Amber got out the shower, and was dressed in her natural clothing. Bright colors.

What if I don't wanna fall? (Austin Carlile Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now