Stop, rewind

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Austin's Point of view...

"Tomorrow you guys have an interview with Bryan stars okay? Then you lazy fucks can do what you please." Josh said, looking over papers, which he soon slammed down on the counter.

We all nodded and commented in understanding. Mid way into tour, and I was already exhausted. I just wanted to lay back on my bed and watch T.V. Even though I wake up with the same concern for Anne and Am, I toss it to the back of my head.

if I didn't, I'd bug me all day. Anne's phone actually broke, so we talk through Facebook. Only when I have wifi though.

I've been so busy, I can't even keep track of everything going on in my life. Everyday's there's a new obstacle. It's seriously times like this, that I wish Shayley were still around.

He just seems to always know what to say. He's like Dr. Phil or something. I wonder how he's doing, actually. I got up from the couch. "Be back, gonna get coffee."

"From where?" Alan questioned. I sighed, looking back at him. "Where else Ashby?" He laughed. "Yo, get me a mocha latte, two pumps of toffee and one pump of caramel." He grinned.

I shook my head, he's secretly a woman, I swear. We were currently in Maine. Our bus was parked by a bay, not too far from the venue. Chilly November air ran through my thin hoodie.

It was our band sweater, and it wasn't very warm, but me being me I never pack correctly, and didn't bring a jacket. I knew I should of just let Anne pack my clothes, but no I wanted to feel independent.

I quickly walked to the Starbucks that waited for me on a corner, directly next to a seafood place; my weakness. "I so need to check this place out before we leave." I shivered to myself.

Walking into the coffee filled store, I got comfortable, taking my hands out my pockets and my hood off my head. I walked over to the counter and was greeted by a barista who looked very excited to see me.

"Holy sh-" he censored. "Yo, Austin, I'm a big fan. Love your music. I'm actually going to your gig on Saturday" He smiled. I mimicked his grin. "Thank you so much!" It was a great and welcoming feeling to just go to a random place and have people know who I was.

I smiled. "You think I can get a picture with you really quick?" He questioned. I grinned. "Not one bit, come on before the line gets longer." I laughed.

He walked around the counter and pulled his phone out. I watched him look for someone to take the pic. "Hey, excuse me miss, can you take our picture please?" He asked some woman who just walked in. Gielle.

I frowned. "Sure, sweetie." She smiled, grabbing his phone, not even looking at me. I needed to get rid of my frown for his picture. He doesn't deserve my attitude. I swung my arm over his shoulders and smiled for the picture.

When the camera flashed, he ran over to his phone, looking at it. "It's awesome! Thank you dude!" He looked to Gielle. "You too; thank you. Okay now what's your order?" He laughed, running back around the counter.

With a breath. "Uh just a Venti iced coffee and a-" I forgot what Alan said. He always gets the most dramatic drink, that I never remember. "Alan likes Mocha lattes with two pumps toffee and one pump caramel." Gielle said from behind. I didn't even look at her.

The barista looked shocked. I guess questioning if we knew each other or not. "Yeah, what she said." I sighed. He smiled, reciting the order and telling me the price. I walked to the back of the store. I just wanted to relax in Starbucks and call Shayley. Must she come along and ruin my day?

When she was done ordering, she also walked to the back. She looked at me. "Listen-" My drinks were ready, so I went to grab them, walking passed her and out the store. She was directly behind me, her drink in hand. Since when did Starbucks work that fast?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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