Don't you ever forget about me

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Rumor got out. Then it spread like a wild case of stomach flu. Everyone knew. Well at least what they wanted. No one had the real story. Not even me. Does he even have the real story? Doubt it, he's so lost in some weird world, reality is far from him. He's in the clouds.

Embarrassment. Is how Im feeling. I'm ruining my reputation. Not that I care, but it wasn't a bad or good grade for me. I was in the middle of the social pyramid.

Beep, beep, beep

Finally. "Hello? Tell me now! Please I'm begging." The taste of chewed up nail polish in my mouth and my heart itching with curiosity.

"So it turns out the bitch is pregnant." Those dramatic falls people do in soap operas. Clenching onto their heart and screaming with such agony. That's what I felt like doing. Dropping to the floor and rolling around yelling and cursing at the sky. Throwing vases and breaking valuables. Pulling my hair out and scratching my skin red and bruised. Nope.

I sat on my bed and sighed, falling back into the sheets. "Did she just get pregnant?" I whispered. I didn't care too much of this girl. I hung out with her a little of three times. Once when we were younger. We went to church camp once. She was the rich white girl with the all pink summer suit. Leather white suitcases and a big black car to drop her off.

"Hey you!" I turned around to face a pretty blonde girl with emerald green eyes. The rich girl. I smile. "Hi."

She looked up and down at my outfit. Blue shorts and a powerpuff girl shirt. Cheap flip flops. "Okay, i'll trade you outfits." She insisted.

I was confused to why she'd want to wear what I was wearing. Was she trying to trick me into something. I looked around in confusion. "Uh, no I have extra clothes in my bag." I smiled. Her eyes lit up as I spoke of clothes such as mine.

I was taught always to be nice. Even to the rich, and even if its just a pair of old blue shorts and a flower top.

"They said she's three months so.." She paused. "Did he cheat on you Jo?" She questioned. People were eventually going to find out. It just doesn't make sense why she'd be three months pregnant and they made it official a month ago. I sighed. "Yeah.."

She soon mumbled some words. She cursed under her breathe. "I fucking knew he was no good. Stupid nappy headed ginger!" She yelled. I laughed. At least I can get away. Get away from all of this. Drama. Gossip. This life. "It's good to hear that laugh baby girl." She said.

"Joanne?!" I hated hearing that name. "I gotta go, talk to you later. Bye Carmen." I got off my bed and back to the suitcase.

The door flung open. "Joanne Soto! What have you been doing all day?" She said referring to the suitcase. I had a pair of monkey shorts at the bottom.

I sighed. "Mommmm!" I whined. I wasn't in the mood for her nagging. She rose her eyebrow at me with confusion. "Are you kidding me. You just have to be kidding me Jo." She was going to rant, I could feel it. She ran her hand through her hair.

"You're accepted into a dream school." She stared at me. I sat on the floor, trying to slid under the bed and hide from her words. "In Paris for crying out loud!" She yelled. I slumped down on the side of the bed. "Look I know you're upset because of what happened with Levi..." Great.

She went there.

"..but you need to grow up. He obviously hasn't. And Ms. Momsen hasn't either. They're perfect for each other." What? Is she serious. "Now just imagine if that were you? They're obviously aren't responsible to use protection." Please. Stop.

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