Drama doesn't follow me, it rides on my back

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Levi's Point of view...

Me and Toby always been two to fight like cats and dogs. Our mom said, we'd fight over the dumbest things daily. Whether it was what we had for lunch, or who got to watch t.v first. I never thought we'd fight like this. To a point where it became physical, and one of us ends up hurt; physically or emotional. To a point where suicide runs through our heads, and we feel like an utter and complete waste of space. I never thought we'd get to the place we're at.

Me sitting outside of her door begging for forgiveness, while she most likely lays horizontal on her bed, crying into her favorite pillow. It was a raggedy old pillow. It was dirty and the stuffing was coming out through the corners of the fabric. She got it on our trip to Las Vagas

"Levi, that's for girls, put it down" she whined next to me. I ran my hand over the bright yellow designs. I looked over to her brown eyes. "You're only sayin' that so you can have it." I protested, grabbing it and walking back to our parents. She followed. "No! It's just, i think you should have this one." I turned around seeing her holding a Toy Story pillow. She walked next to me. "See this one is more like you." She smiled replacing the yellow pillow in my hands with the Toy Story one. 

I remember smiling down at it, but not feeling the same feeling i felt when looking at that yellow one. I still don't know what it was about it that made me like it, I just did.

I sighed, "Anne, at least put something on your eye." I placed my ear on her wood door, to see if i could hear her at least. But it was silent, or her wood was too thick to hear her sadness.


Austin's Point of view...

"Austin, seriously...I'm fine. I'm just really tired."

"I'm still thinking about the whole Levi thing."

"It's..It's nothing...honestly."

What is she hiding? Why won't she tell me? I thought after our continuous fights and arguments about trust and lying; we wouldn't keep anything from each other. I really want this to be an honest and trust worthy relationship, but Anne..She's going through so much, and there's probably a thousand things running through her head at once. Why does she feel that she can't tell me? Does she think i'll judge her. I would never. Neither one of us are perfect.

What if what she's hiding is as big as the whole 'Her and shay dating' incident? I don't wann-

"Yo, Austin!' Aaron smiled, sliding the curtain back from my bunk. I looked over at him. "Yeah." He pat my chest. "Sound check in 20 big guy, get ready." He smiled, closing it back. The darkness returned to my bunk, as well as my thoughts. These things were gonna eat at me all tour. I sighed, climbing out my bunk. I slid my shoes on and walked out into the windy Cali air.

"I'm seriously fine, Austin."

I turned the corner and before i could even look at the line, a heard a collage of screams. "AUSTIN!!" they held their hands out for me to touch. I smiled, reached to shake their hands. "I love you guys." I grinned. What really shocked me, would be the wet, teary faces that cried my name. Why would someone cry over me? I grabbed her hands. "Why you crying, beautiful?" I questioned. 

To think that'd make her stop, it made her cry more. Her chest jumped as she gasped out words. "I....J-just l-l-l-love you so much."  It amazed me how someone could love someone so much, to a point where they cried, and stumbled on their own words. It made me think that maybe Annes weirdness towards me lately could be just like this interaction; She loved me a lot.

She loved me to a point that she couldn't explain herself and nothing made sense. To where everything she said and did only confused me. Maybe its love, or i just happened to find the weirdest girl of them all.


Levi's Point of view...

I contemplated whether to just open her door, tossing the warm rag back and forth in my hands. No matter how upset she is with me, she can't just sit there and let her eye get worse. I knocked again. "Anne, can you please just open the door and put this on your face, at least." I listened to her door.

Anne was always the one who was good at telling her feelings, and expressing herself. The only time she wasn't good at slipping the beans is when the truth could ruin more things then one. When in the end, more then one person could be hurt. When all of it is her fault.

Y'know what, i'm just gonna walk in. I slowly opened her door, as it quietly creaked i heard her speak. I stopped. "Hello." she whispered. She wasn't on her bed, but sprawled out on her floor. "Yeah, he left today." I watched as her body rose and fell on her floor. "Yeah, i'm fine." she spoke quietly on her phone. "I'm gonna get some sleep, 'kay? Talk to you later." I slowly crept into her room.

I watched her end her phone call, and angrily throw her phone across the room. She sat up on her knees. She gripped her hair, and yelled out in frustration. She roughly pulled on her hair, and blue strands crawled through her fingers onto the floor. I walked next to her. She slowly looked at my shadow, then followed it up to my face. She stared at me, her face bruised and mess up, and her hands still painfully gripping her scalp.

"Stop." I said, trying to yank her hands off her hair. Letting go, she backed away, smacking my hands away. "Fine, just put this on your-" Her fist started banging on my legs. I fell to my knees, and let her hands bang on my face. While she punched me repetitively i could feel nothing but her pain. She doesn't even punch hard, but her punches made my heart hurt. I understood.

When her punching slowed and eventually stopped, is when i realized she understood. She looked at me. "I'm sorry i called you a piece of shit, and punched you." She hugged me, and i wrapped my arms around her. "You were right, but you're a piece of shit too, Levicus." she cried.

Cute is what we aim for-  There's a class for this

Oh hai i made a very horrible upload like 4 months later. HAHAHA I SUCK.

But i was mega writers block if you couldn't tell. Im megggggga sorrry

dont hate me!!!


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