My love for you was bulletproof...

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Drama Drama Drama. Who's pumped? I am! So, Levi and Toby Chapter. Sorry if Austin hasn't been in the spolight as much. Next Chapter, I GOT CHUUUU :DD

Toby's P.O.V.

I couldn't seem to shake what Shay said out of my mind. 

"What makes you think Austin won't do the same."

Over and over again. He wouldn't. I know he won't. He loves me right?


It was dark in his room, His star wars collection filled his dresser, and headboard. He had a light saber  hung up horizontally over his t.v. His scent filled his room. Overpowering my perfume by far. The window was crack, so whenever there was a rainy breeze, the curtains would flutter up. It was bright outside. I caught a glimpse of his sleeping face, whenever the sun shined through. He looked peaceful. After getting released from the hospital, Ms.- Doctor Norla suggested he get bed rest. Warped tour started in one week. I didn't want to leave his side. I ran my finger over his tattoo. I've been staying with him for the past week. I felt somewhat bad, because Levi's been meaning to talk to me. I promised him i would return today. I traced his scar, back and forth. Counting his stitches was the only way i fell asleep. There were 13 in total. 

I noticed his chest jump. "Austin..." I whispered. I began to worry. I sat up a little, staring at his face. "Baby?" He started to stir around, he flipped over to his side. His bareback now facing me. I pressed my body to his and wrapped my arm around him. I tried to nuzzle into his neck when he scared me. "Stop worrying." He stated. His voice, dipped in sleep. I gave his neck small kisses. "I'm sorry." He then rolled to his stomach. He turned his head to face me. I brung my hand to rubbed his stubble. After a moment of silence he picked his self up. He groaned in sleepiness. I watched him as he stood to his feet and stretched. "You can't tickle someone's chest and not except them to jump." He laugh quietly. I laughed at his reponse and rolled to where he once laid. 

"You ready baby?" He had his hand on his light switch. I sat up and groaned. "Ughh, can we just stay in bed today?" I questioned. "We've been doing that for the past week, i need the exercise." I sighed. "Fineeee" He flicked the light on. I flinched to the sudden brightness. He laughed at me. He stood at his door, his chest toned. He wore only a pair of black sweats. "Exercise?" I scoffed. He giggled at my reponse. "You're precious." I grabbed a pillow and covered my red face. "I'm gonna take a shower." I heard muffled from the pillow pressed to my face. I took it off my face and layed back down, adjusting to the light. I heard the faint sounds of the shower from the hallway. It was 1:13. Me and Austin slept all day. I grabbed my phone and decided to call Levi. Moms been at Johnnys house all week. 

"Hey Levi." I started looking through my bag for clothes. "..hey."

I picked out and outfit and a beanie. "What's wrong?"  I stopped and stared at my wild bed head in the mirror. "..You think you can come" I began to worry. "Levi...What happened?" My voice coated with concern. "...I just need to talk to you.." I heard his voice crack. 

What the hell happened?

"Okay, i'm-i...I'm coming." He sniffiled before he hung up. I quickly got dress, neglecting taking a shower. I packed my clothes and waited for Austin to come out the shower.


"Levi?" I dropped my bag on the floor and continued up the stairs, Austin following behind. I peeked my head in his room. It was always an average boy room, but today it was just horrid. His bed was off the stand and his poster were ripped off the walls, leaving the tape lonesome. His guitar destroyed and shattered on the floor. There were papers everywhere. "Au-" I choked on my own spit.

He wrapped his arms around me. "This is my fault." I scoffed. He turned me around. "Hey, hey." He grabbed my face. "Look at me. This isn't your fault okay?" I felt the tears build. demanding to flow from their sockets. I blinked and they escaped. "Baby..." He wiped away the prisoners that escaped and ran down my face. "You just need to talk to him. I'm sure he's okay." I nodded. I sniffled away my sadness and pulled out my phone. I called Levi.

"Levi?" I whimpered. Austins grip tighten around my waist. There was a pause before he responded. I bit hard on my lip while Austin stared at my face.

"Anne. This is all my fucking fault!" He yelled. "Levi?" Austin grew curious and mouthed 'what?' I put the phone on speaker. "I'm a dick! a-stupid-fucking-dick" he hit something between his words. "Levi ,wher-" He cut me off. "I mean, why do i always fuck shit up?" I let him finish. "ANSWER ME!" He yelled. He scared me. I started to cry again. He never acted this way. He never screamed at me with such anger in his tone. Austin grabbed the phone from me. "Hey look, Levi. Where are you?" 

"Just great, Austin's there." Austin breathed deep. "Just-" He hiccuped. "Give the phone back to Toby." I noticed a slur in his voice. 

"Is he drunk?" I asked. "Yes, Anne. I'M FUCKING WASTED!" He yelled. 

"He's talking out his ass." Austin shock his head. I heard a load roar. Thunder. "Just great" he hissed. 

"He's at the park" I stated. 


"Levi? Come on Levi, we gotta go home!" 


"Come on!" 

Sobs. "Levi?" I raced to the jungle gym. "Levi?"

Louder sobs. He was under the bridge. "Hey buddy."

"Leave me alone!" He hissed. 

"..Come on." I rubbed his back. He cried louder. "I want-wa-" Sniffle. "Him back..." 

I sat beside him. Sigh. "I do too.." I wrapped my arm around him. "But i doubt he would want you out here in the rain, crying....."

"He's over there" Austin looked confused. "Trust me, i'll be back." He nodded, and stop the car. I got out the car and headed towards where the jungle gym use to lay. The rain had cleared up, but i knew it would return. There were benches lined up besides a sandbox. A damp man sat there. There was a glass bottle in his hand. Containing a brown liquid. He had wild hair, stuck to his face. Levi. His head dangaling .

"LEVI!" I ran up to him. He looked up. His eyes were red, and he had scratches on his face. His lip trembling. His body shivered. "To-Toby." He cried out. I just stood and stared at him. This is not my brother? What happened?

Wh-What's...going on?

I stepped closer, grabbing the bottle from his hands. "Levi?" I tossed it. "What happened?" He soon sobbed. "Levi?"

He grabbed me. Wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. He leaned his head on my stomach. Letting out a variety of cries. He gripped my shirt. "Toby-" I rubbed his back, as the tears fell. "I-i-I fucked up.." His grasp getting tighter, if possible. The rain slowly fell, gradually getting harder, and harder. "What Levi? What!" I yelled over the pouring.  My tears freely fell, the rain being my disguise.

He pulled away from me. Our eyes meeting. "I cheated on Jojo..." He whimpered almost inaudible.

"Wh-Levi.." He put his head in his hands. "Levi, why?" I brushed the wet hair out of my face. He looked at me again. "It was with Farrah........"

Okay, So it took me mega long to write, Sorry if it's boring. Or non-descriptive. I Tried. I'm gonna get to writing chaper 12 RIGHT NOWW! Okay, okay.

SOO, Fan, comment, vote!!! Thanks to those who are reading :DD

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