Love, Love, Love.

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New update for you guys! Sorry if it's confusing or stupid. I have so much to write, i just don't want to throw it all at you once. It may be short so yeah. Either way Enjoy :D

"I haven't seen him in a while actually." He sighed. "I miss him a lot...the both of them." I pulled him into a hug. "...but their mom, she-she didn't want anything to do with me."

"I'm so sorry John." I kissed his head. "I would hate if anyone said i can't see my kids anymore." 

"Thank you, Clare." He kissed my lips. "I mean, he's a grown man now. He's about 25 now, while she's about 17." He pulled a picture out of his wallet. "This was the last time i saw them"

There was a small girl about 5, she had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes like him. The boy was about 15 and was bald with a hat. His face was freckled and he had brown eyes. "They're beautiful. And if it makes this any better, i think i've seen this one somewhere." I said pointing to the boy. His face grew a smile. "Oh, he's gotta be here." He kissed me again.

"What's their names?" I asked. "Robert, and Katelynne." He smiled. "They're the reason i came back to California." I nodded, before pressing my lips against his. "We'll find them okay?" He smiled, kissing me back.


"You can't be Farrah!" I yelled. She didn't think to stop me. Her mother wouldn't hear a word i said , for we were on the other side of her humongous house. "He has a girlfriend, one that loves him soo much." I paced back and forth. "You have any idea, how long it took me to get him to ask her out?" She sighed and shook her head. "Forever Farrah, Fooorever." I stretched out.

She tried to speak, but i cut her off. "Look, there's just too much going on right now." My voice lowering. "My boyfriend has a bad heart. His best friend is my ex, and he doesn't know that?" I said in almost a question. "My little brother is going through some crazy crack addict phase. And now my best friend's in love with him, right after she took his virginity." I huffed. "Oh! And lets not dare to forget i just rushed 2 crappy designs and sent them in 7 hours before the deadline."

She laid down and put a silk pillow over her head. Her pale body, and blond hair practically blending in with her cream sheets. Her small frame almost disappearing in her king bed. "I'm sorrry." She said, muffled by the pillow. "Ugh, it's whatever." I scoffed. I rubbed my hands on my face in frustration and sighed loudly. "I just need to get home, finish my exit essay for school and get some sleep." She nodded, still under the pillow. 

I grabbed it a sent to the other side of her bed. I straddled her body and planted a kiss on her forehead. "I still love you though. Just try to clear your head, and get all that alcohol out your system." She sighed before nodding. I got off of her and walked out her room, i ran my finger on the walls as i walked down her long hallway. I climbed down her steps and exited out her door.


Austin was violently snatching papers off my floor. Cursing under his breathe. I could only hear him repeat  "And i'm the liar." He was pissed, and Toby was not gonna like this. "Here." He handed me the papers and grabbed the broom. He forcefully swept  my wooden floor. "Austin you -"

"Fine, i'm fine." he hissed. I put my hands up in defense. I heard the front door open than close. "I'll be back. " He flipped his hand at me and continue to abuse my floor with the broom. I ran down the stairs to meet Toby in the kitchen. 

"Oh, look who's up and about." She smiled. She grabbed a vitamin water out the fridge and took a sip. "Austin still here?" I nodded. I wanted to tell her but at the same time, no. "Cool." She climbed the stairs and walked into her now clean room, i followed behind. I stood at her door staring at her.

"Oh my god, this is the first time i've seen my floor since we moved in." She laughed. She placed her bottle on her nightstand and layed on her bed. 

"Oh wow my..." He eyes popped. "Levi!" She whisper yelled at me. 

"What?" I questioned, knowing exactly what she meant. "My photo collage.." She quickly  grabbed it from the wall. She was about to place it under her bed, when she noticed the picture at the bottom right missing. "Wheres the picture of-"

"You and Shayley?" Austin questioned next to me. He held the picture in his hand. 

 She was shocked by the sight she saw, she just stood there, looking back from the collage, to Austin, to the photo in his hand. Her face grew red, and i couldn't tell if she was going to yell, or cry. Maybe even both. "Just give me the picture back" She tried to snatch it out his hand. 

"No!" He rose his arm above his tall frame. She tried jumping for it, and grabbing his arm.  "Why do you want it?" He questioned as he switched hands.

"Austin! Just give it to me!" She whined in defeat. He shook his head before throwing the picture at her. She grabbed it, and i noticed tears merge her eyes. She turned to me "OUT LEVI!" She barked.

I backed out the room slowly. She grabbed Austins arm, pulling him in then slamming the door in my face.

"Ouch." I whispered.


It's been an hour now that they've been yelling at each other. Austin was suppose to drive me to Ryans house half an hour ago. This was our last time to rehearse before Warped started. It began the day after the last day of school. I heard Jojos ring tone overpower Austin and Tobys yells. I forgot it in her room. I quietly knocked. Yells. I knocked again. More yells. My phone stopped ringing. I sighed before i pushed open the door. "Sorry." I mumbled, reaching for my phone that layed on the dresser.

"Fine Austin! You're right. I lied. To the both of you okay?" Her voice cracked. "I love you both more then you will ever know. " Austin sighed

"Look, i just need to..." He scratched his neck. "I don't even know, Toby why didn't you say something?" He questioned.

"I-I didn't want to hurt....him" She whispered. "Him?" Austin asked "Him!" He yelled venom in his voice. 

"YES!" She barked back. "I tried to make you both happy, but then Shay found out and..and"

"And what Toby?" He shook his head. "Forget it." He whispered. He began to walk out. I was at the bottom of the steps this time, ease dropping. The door opened. 

"Mom!" I yelled. Someone followed behind her. I hugged her tightly and stared at the familiar looking man. "I thought you had band practice." She said, looking at me in confusion. "I do, i'm just waiting for-"

"Dad?" Austin questioned from the steps. The man stepped from behind my mom and looked at Austin. 

"Robert." He smiled.

Sorry it's so short. I tried to make it as long as possible. Hope you still enjoyed it. And don't hate me for leaving it there. Cliffhanger maybe? Haha 

I'll update mega soon. 

Fan. Comment. Suggestions. I'll even dedicate a chapter to you if you want. Let me know! <3

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