I think i saw you in my sleep darling..

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                                  I think i saw you in my sleep darling...


And Levi and Toby's back! Me gustaa

I kind of think this chapter sucks, buut, maybe you'll like it. 

Sorry for any Spelling, grammer, of foolish mistakes >,< 


Levi's P.O.V.

I'm worried, Toby's been gone for 3 hours now. What happened to Austin? She won't even answer her phone. I hope he's fine. Ugh why does she keep doing this to me? Getting depressed, and not letting anyone in. I wanna help. I truly do.

A hand waved in my face. It soon snapped. "Leviiiiiiii" She stretched out the 'i'. She bounced in front of me, pushing some hair behind her ears. "Levi, you okay?"

I nodded. "Yeah, just a little..." I furrowed my eyebrows looking for a word. She realized my lost "Worried? Scared? Concerned?" I nodded.

Me and Farrah sat in my room, we we're sitting on my bed listening to La Dispute. She was leaned against my head board, while i sat in front of her. My back on the wall in front of my bed. She grabbed my hand, I looked down at our hands in tangle in each others, then back at her face. "Toby's fine okay Levi Pie." She giggled. I bit the inside of my lip, trying to hide my smile. 

"Guyss!" Mom walked in the room, switching the light on. "I'm heading out so-" She noticed our hands. Farrah snatched her hand from mine. "Uhh, i'll be back." She walked out. Farrah stared at me. I got up and hopped after my mom. "Wait, where you going?!" I hollered down the steps. She already had her bag in hand, which was full of something. "Mom?!" She looked at me. "I'll be back." She blew me a kiss "I love you." and walked out the door. "..love you...too?"

Great, mom's distancing herself and so is Toby. What the fuck is wrong with this family?

I leaned my head on the railing, listening to a car drive away. "Who the fuck is that?" I whispered. I ran to the hallway window and watched as some familiar looking guy drove my mom away. Farrah placed her hand on my back "You okay?" I turned around to face her. "Yeah, it's just the guy..." I licked my bottom lip. "He looks like someone.." I shook my head. 

"Who though?" Farrah asked in curiosity. I shrugged my shoulders. 

There's just too much going on, i need to relax.

I headed down the stairs, Farrahs bare feet hitting the wood behind me. I walked to the bar, eyeing it. Farrah stared at me. "Levi what are you looking at" She laughed. I didn't want to be confused anyone. "Wanna get plastered Farrah?" I smirked at her. She put on a fake surprised look. "Oh look who's growing up." I opened the cabinet to be exposed to the variety of liquors. "Your pick M'lady" I said as i moved my hand over all the bottles. She smiled. She looked over a couple of bottles, pushing some to the side, to see the ones behind. Finally she grabbed something. I was a big bottle with a brown liquid inside of it. She bit her lip as she handed it to me. I read the label.

Jack Daniels, Tennessee Whiskey

"Cool." I opened the black seal, and twisted the cap off. She watched me. As nervous as i was, i tried to relax. Getting drunk must be fun, since people do it all the time. I took a big gulp of the brown poison. It slivered down my throat, burning it's tunnel as it flowed. It hit my chest, sending a heat wave through my shoulders into my arm. I flinched and shook my head. She laughed at me and took it out my hand. "We could mix it if you want." She said before she took an even bigger gulp herself. I shook my head "No, no. It won't work as well." I grabbed the bottle back, i stuck it to my lips and sucked in. This time, it flowed a lot better, stinging a little less. I stumbled up, laughing at my clumsiness. Farrah got up as well. She grabbed the bottle. "It's working Levi." She laughed in my ear.

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