Did you'd ever think i'd come home..

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For some weird reason my life has sucked a lot. Filled with Drama and just plain ol annoying. I've always wished for an action filled life. Something new everyday, but not like this. I didn't get into the college i wanted to. My best friend loves me, and my brother and other best friend are having a baby. How did my life end up this way? I'm curious. I some how always end up blaming myself for everything that happens. Why is everything always my fault?

The natural humid air of California has always been my kyrptonite. It hydrates my skin and makes my lips to curve up into a different position. A smile. A big one too. I huffed my duffel closer to my shoulder. Its weight grew about 10 pounds with all the things i bought. The cab drove away and i looked at my home. I lived here since i was 11. It was a faded white house. Dead flowers in front, and that stair that broke off dangling. I loved its imperfection. I walked down my path. The lights were on. 

I hope mom didn't stay up waiting for me. I pulled out my key, placing it in the hole and turning it. With full hands, i kicked the door opened slightly. Laughter. It stopped when i walked in. I examined the room. Mom. Farrah. Joan. L-Levi......

I dropped my duffel and ran over to him. Jumping over people and into his arms. He hugged me back. His grip on my waist tighter then a belt could do. I kissed his face over and over and over again. For once he didn't say 'ew'. He didn't call me a name and push me off. He didn't hit me, he kissed me back..

I've never cried this much in my life. Well maybe but that didn't count. I pulled away to examine the face i haven't seen in 2 months. His eyes were blurred with tears. He grew a small ginger bread and mustache. He looked way older. Pink lip marks covered his cheek, lips, and forehead. Through my sniffling he sent me a small smile. "I love you so much Anne." He whispered. My lips trembled as he spoke words he hated saying. 

"Say you love me!" i laughed

"Ew no, that's gross!." he retorted, he pushed me off of him. He sat straight up on the couch. His attention back to the t.v. 

"So you're never gonna tell your girlfriend you love her?" i teased pushing his head. I threw my legs on his. He looked at me red. "Nope. i'm never having a girlfriend.."

"Psh, whatever you say. Watch you fall deeply in love with someone one day." I pulled my sidekick out, flipping it open to text Shayley.

"Maybe..." He looked back at the screen. "But if i do. I want it to be just like you and Shayley." He smiled.

I smiled in return. We continued our Saturday as usual.

I smiled. "I love you too."


"The doctor says our due date is January 7." She smiled. Her fingers were inlaced with His. He smiled as he watched her talk. They looked so happy. Its just still pretty weird for me. Just 2 months ago he was in pure love with Jo. How did he get up, and fall so fast again? She looked over at him, and smiled. "We're gonna name him Honest Levi Montana." She grinned before placing a kiss to his jaw.

Joan smiled. "Farrah, dear he's going to be beautiful. I'm going to spoil him crazy. Whatever he wants, whatever he desires. I can't wait." She clapped. Joan seemed full of happiness. I guess they talked everything through.

"Lets not make him a spoiled rotten brat now." Levi commented. Already being a grown man. I smiled. "Look whose already daddy material." I laughed. 

He smiled back at me. My mom patted his knee. "Just like your father." She added. He grinned at the thought of even being compare to such a great man.

"Oh and to make money, i'm gonna re-paint Mr.Oaks house and do some work at the auto shop ."

The grin on my moms face was the most perfect thing i could have ever seen. She must be so proud of Levi. I am too, but as a mother it must be an extraordinary feeling. Levis growing up. He's not the small innocent little boy he use to be. 


"See you guys tomorrow, bye!" I waved.  I watched as Levi gave Farrah a longing kiss. He had his hands on either side of her pale face. He pulled away and slowly went down to plant a kiss on her stomach. It was beautiful and i couldn't wait to see them as a complete family. "See you, i love you. Bye." With that he close the door. 

I sat on the couch and watch him lock it. "Anne, Levi! Do you want Pasta or Rice tonight?" My mom questioned from the kitchen. "Uhh, Pasta!" I yelled. I looked over at Levi. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration. "Levi?" i questioned. He turned around and smiled. "Oh um Pasta." He yelled back. He smiled before rushing up the stairs. "Levi?" I called up. I followed up behind him. His door closed. I knocked on it lightly. "You okay?" I asked. He shuffled around, dropping things. "Uh yeah, i'm good. Just changing into PJs." He yelled back. 

He doesn't even wear Pjs. He sleeps in his boxers. I tried to turn the door, he opened it at once. He smiled down at me. He had PJs on, like he said. Some star wars pants and a black tank. His eyes were a dark and irritated red. As if he were crying. He sniffled. "We're you crying?" I asked. He laughed "Why would i be crying?" He slid out, closing the door with him. "Lets go watch T.v like usual." He grinned. I Sent him a small smile. "Okay.." He ran back down the stairs. I followed. What is wrong with him? He's different. 

Thanks for reading! And omg Congrats on Levi and Jojo getting married yesterday!I love them soo much!


Wishlist - The ready set 

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Thanks again! Love you guys

And sorry its kind of short >,>

What if I don't wanna fall? (Austin Carlile Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora