Father, Father tell me where have you been?

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Okay, so i just wrote this in like 5 minutes, so i hope it's not crappy! Thanks for 500 reads by the way! It means a lot. Had to update, because i promised i would! Anyway Enjoy!

"Robert?" I questioned. "No that's Austin." I stated. My mom walked over to Austin and held a picture up to his face. She gasped. "Oh my goodness." She hugged him "It is you." She laughed. Austin grew confused. "Wha-" She showed him the picture.

He grabbed it, and his fustrated and confused face turned into mush. He smiled brightly at the picture. The back read. 

Robert 15, Katelynne 7

"Isn't that Amber?" I questioned. I looked at the man, who resembled Austin a lot. His blue eyes the only thing that throw off their resemblance. He smiled. "Since when did you guys start going by your middle names?"  Austin still smiling at the picture. "Mom, she uh." He put the picture down, and i noticed his eyes were full of tears. He ran to his dad, hugging him tightly. They stumbled around, as Austins tall body hanged over his dads. Austins face was in the crook of his dads neck. His body jumping as he sobbed and sniffled. "I...missed..you...so...much." he sobbed. 

Toby walked down the stairs. He eyes were red and she was sniffling. "Hey mom-" She stopped and stared at the hugging men. Austin released and looked over at Toby. He grew excited. "Oh dad! That's my girl-" He stopped, and just stared at her. Tobys lips trembled, and a tear ran down her face, she quickly wiped it away. She took a deep breathe before reaching her hand out to the man. "You must be John." She whispered. He grabbed hold of her hand, confused of why she was crying.  "I'm clares daughter. Nice to-" She sniffled. "Meet you." She let go before walking back up the stairs, and slamming her room door. The house shook. 

"Well damn Toby." I said. My mom shot dagers at me. "Sorry." I whispered. "And i'm uh Levi" I smiled grabbing hold of Johns hand. "Uh clares son." 

"Nice to meet you Levi." He smiled. "I'm John, Clares uh.." He stuttered. I caught on.

"I love you three more then i could love anyone, or anything." He hugged us tightly.

"Nothing, and i mean nothing. Could make me love another man." She kissed him.

"Nothing?" I questioned. "Nothing." She smiled. "We'll be a big happy family forever!" Toby laughed.

"Boyfriend?!" I growled.

"Levi?" She whispered. I looked up at her. She was crying. Her face was red, and her eyes were puffy. "What's wrong mommy?" I questioned

"Uh, your daddy-" 

"Daddy's here?" I yelled. "Now we can play together. I've been waiting all week!" I yelled. I grabbed my guitar. 

"No, wait Levi, Just listen." She pulled me back down. "Daddy's gone baby." She whimpered. "What do you mean gone?" I questioned, confused. "Did he go back to work?" She hugged me tightly and i noticed Toby at my door, crying also. "Mommy? Wh-" I tear dropped.

"Your dad was killed."

Those 4 word would haunt my head forever. 

"Levi! Get off!"

"Levi Richard Montana!" She grabbed me. I hadn't notice me flung my body at John, attacking him. There was blood on my knuckle, and there was blood running down Johns face, from his eyebrow.

Anger poured out my pores. I wanted more. I didn't mean to attack him, but i did. It felt good to get all my anger out. 

"The fuck Levi!" Austin yelled, holding me against the stair railing. "Just get off of me." I yelled, pushing him off me. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door. 

Thanks for reading.  

Oh and that's supposed to be Levi and Tobys parents. Random ass photo LOL

Comment, Fan, Vote, Suggestions. Also read my other story. Thanks guys \m/>,<\m/

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