So i'm not moving

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I just wanna say thank you soo much to everyone who's reading, commenting, and voting! I means a lot to me!!! I have 7,000 reads! That's fucking awesome! :D Again, thank you!

"Bang your fucking heads!" They did as told. "I want everyone moving! Move!" The crowd moved around to the beat. Jumping and screaming. Yelling aloud with Shays sweet singing. Crying, and laughing with happiness. It was an amazing sight.

"This is me letting you go!" He yelled. The ending of Let live came. Everyone screamed and went crazy. "Okay. We have one song left." He wiped his sweaty face. We all knew what song was to come. One of my favorites. Austin wrote it when he first joined the band. It was about his mom. That song was a big jump for Of mice and men. I smiled as I watched.

"This song means so fucking much to me. And so do all of you. I love every single one of you with all of my heart. I love you as much as I love my mom." He paused to watch their reactions. Everyone seemed over the top excited. Full of joy. Ecstatic.

He looked over at Shay. He walked over to him and whispered something to him. I was curious. Then he grabbed his microphone stand. He smiled and walked back to his stop. "And I want all of you to sing." The crowd went crazy. "I want you to sing for anyone you lost, love, miss, can't live without! I want everyone fucking moving, singing, and if you think you're too cool, get the fuck outta here!" The music started.

"This is second and Sebring." 

I smiled. Austin's big smile making my heart race. He held the stand while the crowd sung his lyrics. He seemed truly happy. Shit, he was. "I believe it's time for me to be famous!" They all yelled.

He put it down and grabbed the mic with both hands. He screamed into it. His and the crowds voices mixing together with the music. Going together in perfect harmony. "I hope I make you proud!" He dropped the mic.

"This is not what it is. Only baby scars." He turned around and signaled for everyone to stop playing. They did. Soon the sound of the crowds acapella singing surrounded us. 

"I need your love. Like a boy needs his mothers side." He throw his fist in the air. His eyes were closed. Slowly a tear drifted down his big red smiling cheek. I noticed him softly sob. The crowd stop singing.

He picked up his mic. "Thank you so fucking much New York! My mom would be so happy. Matter of fact she is. I love you all. Thank you!" With that he walked off the stage. I didn't even notice I too was crying. Five sweaty men ran into the small trailer behind the stage. I smiled, high fiveing them as they passed. Austin noticed my tears.

He quickly grabbed me into his arms. "Sorry to make you cry." He whispered. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "It's okay. They're tears of joy." I smiled. I knew Levi would come back. So I dedicate that song to him. I'll have him back in my arms......again.


The world's a dark and scary place. Full of fake love and real hate. Everyone wears a mask. Some take theirs off to show a beautiful face. Others are hiding ugly and hideous monsters. He took off a mask I never knew was there. He showed his monster. One I didn't know existed. One that  

Scared even the toughest of people. A liar.

"Jo!" Hurt. "Jojo!" Darkness. "Joanne!" Betrayal. "Joanne Soto!" Hate.

"What?!" I hissed. My door opened. My mom walked in, flicking the light on. A painful sensation burned my eyes. I sat up. Looking at the fully dressed woman with makeup on and a purse in hand. "Jo? What- are you serious?" She picked up the dress that should of been on my body about an hour and half ago. She demanded an answer with her eyes.

What if I don't wanna fall? (Austin Carlile Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant