Reaper x Aftertale Reader

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Not my art (I'm sorry. I had to!😂)

Thank you for the request Shushu_x!

I hope this turns out the way you wanted.

⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ Reaper's a pervert. I think we all expected this. . . Also a ship you may disagree with.

Background Knowledge 

Geno treats you like a little sister. After losing Papyrus, he swore to himself that he would protect you. Both of you ended up in the save screen. After a little while of living there, sometimes Geno would tell you to take a small walk. He would tell you that he had to meet a friend. You wondered whether it was Ink, but all he said is that his friend was not someone you were allowed to meet. This only increased your curiosity.

Your POV 


I turn to the voice in surprise and my brother does the same. Ink is running out of a portal towards the two of us. Geno sighs and stands up from the ground. "What's up Ink?" Ink comes to a halt in front of him and heaves for breath. After regaining the air he had lost, he points back at the still open portal. "Error. . . Is having a. . . Glitching fit. . . He needs you. . ." Geno bolts for the portal as soon as the words leave Ink. I smile in his direction. It's so nice that he cares about his brother. (I think of the two as brothers.) Ink starts to make his way back to the portal as well, but pauses just in front of it. He turns back to me and says, "Your brother will be back in a bit. Just sit tight okay." I nod at him and wave him goodbye. 

After he disappears and the portal fades away, I stand up and spin around. "I guess it's just me, myself, and I." I walk around in circles for a little while, completely bored out of my mind. I pause and yawn, stretching my arms up. Out of no where, I feel someone's arms snake around my waist. "Geno?" 

"So you're the famous y/n Geno talks about all of the time." 

Okay. Not Geno. Just as I'm about to look back at the mysterious figure, he spins me around. I lose my balance and fall, but the strange man catches me by the waist in a dip. I can see his face now. He's a sans au just like Geno. He's clad in a long black robe with a hood covering his skull. A smirk is visible on his face and his eyelights have a mischievous look in them. "Just as I thought. You're drop dead gorgeous." A blush rushes to my cheeks and I shift uncomfortably in his hold. He chuckles, although I don't know why. I avoid his gaze and silently pray for my brother's return. "And to think Geno has been keeping you all to himself." 

I finally meet the skeletons eye sockets and his face is even closer to mine than before. "The name's Reaper, but you can call me yours." Reaper. I vaguely remember that name. Geno must have mentioned him by name at some point. I look Reaper dead in the eye sockets and speak determinedly. "Well, Reaper, do you think you can let go of me?" He seems to contemplate this for a while before smiling back at me. "I don't think I will. I have only heard rumors about the lovely y/n. I think I have been ripped of the opportunity to hold an angel such as yourself for long enough." 

His compliments are flattering, but I don't give in. I try to use force. I push at his chest with all my might, trying to rip myself apart from him. Reaper brings me out of the dip with an amused expression and holds me close to himself with one hand on the back of my head, the other resting dangerously close to my bottom. My hands are still firmly place at his chest, trying in vain to distance myself from him. "So y/n, how long have you been in the save screen with Geno?" I look at him incredulously. How is he speaking to me as if he isn't pressing me against his body rather suggestively?!

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