Ink x reader

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(Image above isn't mine)

I've been trying to come up with something for one of the Star sanses and this is what I have come up with. I hope it meets your expectations.


Background Knowledge

You are from the Underswap Au, but you decided to stay with Ink in Doodlesphere after seeing how lonely he was. You've been staying with him for a few months and you two get along really well. 

Your POV

"Alright...maybe add a little blue here...or maybe purple...hmm." 

I sigh after hearing Ink mumble to himself for the millionth time. He's been at this for hours! After living with Ink for this long, I've sorta picked up on all of his odd quirks. Like how he sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating (still don't know how he has a tongue, but that's besides the point). Or how sometimes he pretends to paint in his sleep. The first time I saw him do it was when he was taking a nap on the couch. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at it. 

This however, was something I had never seen him do. He has been painting, on the same canvas, for 13 hours. He hasn't slept at all either. But that's not the strangest part! He won't let me look at the painting, but he won't let me leave the room either. I swear he's been possessed by some art demon. 

I stand up from my seat that I had brought into the room and make my way behind Ink. I still couldn't see the painting. Probably just Ink's magic or something. Even though I was standing right behind him, he still hadn't acknowledged my presence. I lift up my hand and tap his shoulder.

Ink jumped at the sudden touch. He spun himself around in his seat, forgetting about the paint brush that was still in his hand. I close my eyes and feel little splatters all over my shirt. Ink gasps. I open me eyes slowly and look down. I'm covered in purple paint. But the look on Ink's face made it seem like he had just committed some heinous crime. My shirt didn't look that bad, did it?

It had been a white v-neck with with a f/c stripe cutting through the center of it. Now there was a big splat of purple right above the f/c stripe. We both stayed silent, looking at shirt. Ink was the first to speak.

"Y/n, I am sooo sorry! I didn't mean to ruin your shirt! I-I can get you a new one if you want! I'm pretty sure we could clean the paint off! I'm sorry!!"

Ink keeps on sending a flurry of apologies, while I stand there with my head in the clouds. I shake out of my daze and grab Ink by the sides of his skull, making him look at me. He shuts up immediately. "Don't worry about it! It's just a shirt! I can clean it off anyway. No need to keep apologizing." 

I see a rainbow blush come to Ink's cheekbones, but don't pay any attention to it. I let go of his skull and look back down at my dripping shirt. "I'm gonna go change out of this. Be back in a bit!"

With that, I jog off to my room.

Ink's POV

Y/n leaves the room and all I do is stare at the open door way. I bring a hand to my skull and place it were she had touched me. My skull was really hot and, no doubt, covered with my rainbow blush. Her hands were so soft. 

I slowly lower my hand and turn back to my canvas. Still blank. I hang my head and sigh. I've been trying to paint her for who knows how long and I haven't even touched the canvas. Since y/n started staying with me, I've grown to like her. A lot. My soul beats rapidly in my ribcage whenever I'm in the same room as her. Lately, I've been wanting to confess to her, but I want to make it special. 

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