Passive Nightmare x Reader

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Not my ADORABLE image.

I love him.

He's the best.

Being the amazing Author-Chan I am, I shall share his cuteness with you.

You're welcome.

(Btw. He still a bit of an asshole, but he's a fluffy and cute asshole UwU)

Background Knowledge 

You and Night are best friends. The two of you do everything together. Well. . . Actually you just drag him around with you, forcing him to have fun. He says he doesn't like hanging out with you, but he always comes to play anyways. Today, you requested that he meet you in the town square at dusk. Despite his seeming "dislike" for hanging out with you, his curiosity got the better of him.

Your POV

"Y/n! Why are you standing out there alone?"

I look up to the bakery window on the second floor to see Miss Lapine standing there with a quizzical look. One of her cute bunny ears is quirked to the side with worry. I smile up and wave before responding. "I'm waiting for Nighty! I told him to meet me here at dusk!"

She furrows her brows and presses her fluffy ears against her equally fluffy head. She avoids eye contact with me and fiddles with her window shades uncomfortably.

"Are you sure it's alright to be hanging out with him? I've been worried about you because you spend so much time with him. I don't think it's safe."

She mumbles something about how he constantly seems hostile, but I brush it off. Instead I wave off her worry and continue to smile. "I promise he's completely harmless. He wouldn't lay a single bony finger on me!" I say to her with confidence.

She doesn't seem convinced, but instead of arguing, she sighs and speaks with exhaustion. "Alright. Just be careful sweetie! I have a nice night." And with that, she shuts the blinds and I see the light in her room go out. 

I rock back and forth on the balls of my feet while I wait for Nightmare to show up. I briefly glance at the huge town clock to check the time. It reads 8:47PM. I remain smiling and hopeful. He'll come. 

Some time passes by and the sunsets further in the sky. I check the clock more and more frequently, my heart sinking at the thought that he wouldn't show. I pick at the medical patch on my cheek, feeling anxious. He's always made a point to be on time before. Why is he taking his sweet time now?

A slight breeze causes my yellow cardigan to billow. Just then, I hear footsteps clapping against the stones in the center of town. I turn around and push a loose strand of hair behind my ear to prevent it from blowing across my face. My eyes widen and a smile spreads across my face, reaching my eyes. I feel like laughing at my best friend's dorky apparel, but I feel like that could antagonize him. 

He is wearing a white button-up tucked messily into a pair of black pants with a purple infinity scarf around his neck. He has a single hand tucked into his pant pocket as he approaches me. I hold my basket in both hands, resting it against my thighs while I wait for him to be in speaking range.

Nightmare stops in front of me and looks down at me with a slight hint of purple on his cheekbone. I smile up at him and initiate a conversation. "You actually showed up! I'm happy!" He responds to this by scoffing and look away from me, finding his gaze upon the window of the bakery where Miss Lapine had just been. He speaks with his usual tone of annoyance. "If I hadn't shown up, you wouldn't have let me live it down. I'd hear about it nonstop and I didn't feel like dealing with that." I frown slightly and poke him in the arm. 

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