DS Dream x Depressed*Shy*Artist Reader Part 2

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Not my image. Btw this picture is a spoiler of what's to come in this chapter. Kinda.

Thanks again for the request Anita_dreamswp_dream 

Oh! Surprise surprise! Ink's the bad guy in this one too! Sorry. Sort of.

Background Knowledge 

You and Dream have made progress with your depression, but you were still a little sad. Dream has been constantly keeping you from interacting with the others in fear that they would try to hurt you. The Justice Reigns goal after all was to eradicate all negativity. 

Your POV

I was drawing outside under a tree, enjoying the nice breeze. My drawings had gotten a lot more positive and I no longer drew my sad images. Sometimes, however, I would look back on my old ones. I sighed and took out my private sketchbook. I flipped through the pages, remembering all of those terrible times. 

A skeletal hand ripped the book from my grasp and I took a sharp inhale. I looked at the owner of the hand and found Ink standing there with an emotionless expression. He flipped and scanned through the pages before focusing his empty eyelights on me. By then, I had made it to my feet and got ready to run. I didn't get time to though. Ink landed a swift kick to my stomach causing me to fly back and hit the ground.

I coughed in pain and rolled over onto my side. I could see Ink walking towards me. "There's a reason why I'm Dream's mercenary you know." He stopped in front of me again, ready to deliver another swift blow. I squeeze my eyes tight, preparing for the incoming attack.

But it never came. I open one eye hesitantly and then the other. Dream is holding Ink by the throat a furious expression on his face. Ink, on the other hand, looked mildly confused. I strain myself to sit up, grunting from the pain. "Put him down, Dream. Don't hurt him." Dream looked from me to Ink before sighing and meeting my request. 

Ink falls to the ground and messages his neck. Dream comes over and picks me up bridal style. I smile up at him weakly. He merely glares at Ink. "Don't touch her again. Got it?" Dream doesn't wait for an answer. He just teleports away to his room along with me. 

He sighs and places me on his bed. "You need to be more careful." He sounded frustrated. I looked away and mumbled an apology. I could feel his gaze boring into me and a blush came to my cheeks. Dream walks away to his bathroom and I follow him with my eyes. "You don't need to be sorry. I'm just scared that you're gonna get hurt." I smile at his sweetness. He cares so much. 

Dream walks back in with medical supplies and sits next to me on the bed. I was currently gripping my stomach, willing the pain to leave, which it doesn't. Dream turns me toward him and gently takes my hand away, placing it beside me. He blushes a little and looks away from me. "Umm. . . I-I need you to lift your shirt up a bit so I can see your injury." I blushed as well and whispered my response. "O-okay." 

I lifted my shirt up to expose my stomach. Dream looks back at me and his blush intensifies. I clear my throat and his wings bristle a bit in surprise. He gets out a special cream and a bandage.  He moves closer to me and turns the cap off of the cream container. He gently spreads some on my bruised stomach, the cold feeling sends shivers down my spine. After he's done, he begins wrapping the bandage around my stomach. 

He had to get incredibly close so that he could see where he was wrapping. My face was really red and my heart was beating at a rapid pace. He finished up and sat back a little. "Done." He says it quietly, looking into my eyes. The silence felt slightly awkward.

He coughed and covered his mouth(?) with the back of his hand. "S-so how have you been feeling lately? Am I doing a good job at keeping you happy?" I snap out of my daze and look away flustered. "Y-Yeah! I have been feeling better lately. You make me really happy and cared for." I look back at him and give him a small smile.

He smiles back and nods. "Good." We fall into the silence again, just looking at each other. I thought about whether or not I should break the silence. His golden eyelights flashed into hearts. "Can I kiss you?!" He blurts it out randomly, a blush coming to his cheeks once more. 

I hadn't even known I nodded until he got closer. He brought his hand to the back of my head and closed the distance between us. I hesitantly put my arms around his neck, shyly kissing back. Dream's wings wrapped around both of us, creating a cozy space. He pulled away from the kiss and my eyes stayed close for a few seconds afterward. I slowly opened them and looked at Dream. 

His gaze was filled with love and care. "Thank you, Dreamy. I feel happy for once and it's all thanks to you! I don't know what I would do without you." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and smiled at me. "That's nothing you need to worry about. I'm not going anywhere."


Hope you liked the part 2 Anita_dreamswp_dream

Bye bye!

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