Dream x Reader

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Art above is mine! Haven't decided if I should digitalize it yet. . .


Here we go! 

Background Knowledge

You and Dream have been a couple for a few weeks. You live together at the star sanses base. Dream and the others just got back from a really difficult battle with the bad sanses. You aren't allowed to go on missions, so you usually stay at the base. When they came back, you had almost finished cooking dinner.

Your POV

I'm in the middle of chopping the vegetables when I heard the door open. "We're back, y/n." Ink's voice sounded tired and heavy. "Hello! Did the mission go well?" I tried to sound extra cheerful to lighten the mood. Footsteps made their way closer to the kitchen. I turn just in time to see the three walk in. They looked exhausted. Blue collapsed down onto one of the bar stools by the counter. Ink sat down next to him, resting his skull on the counter. Dream, however, stumbled over to me and, uncharacteristically, gave me a hug from behind. He must be really tired.

His head rests in the crook of my neck and he sighs. "We won the battle, but it was much harder than usual. I think my brother is getting stronger. Probably all the negativity in that specific AU." I smile softly and rest my knife-free hand on his. "Don't worry. I'm sure it'll be easier next time. You just have to stay positive." He nods his head and hums.

Since Dream makes no move to let go of my waist, I focus back on chopping the vegetables. It was a little bit harder with Dream there, but I tried my best to be extra careful. Emphasis of 'tried'. The knife nicks my finger and I wince in pain. I place the knife down and look at my bleeding finger. Dream looks over my shoulder to see what happened and he panics. 

He gasps and turns me around. "Oh my stars! Are you okay!? You're bleeding! What should we do?! Do you need bandages?! Or should we use healing magic?!" Dream carefully holds my hand and continues ranting about what to do. "Dream!" I interrupt him and he looks back up at me with worry. "I'm fine. It's just a little cut. I'm not gonna die or anything." He looks from me to the cut with uncertainty. "Are you sure?" I smile and nod at him.

"I just need a bandaid. That's all. I'll be right back."

I try and leave the kitchen, but Dream doesn't let me. Instead, he drags me over to one of the empty bar stools and sits me down. "You stay here. I'll get the bandaid." He doesn't give me anytime to respond. He immediately teleports away to find the first-aid kit.

I sigh and shake my head. Even though I want to continue making supper, I stay put and wait for Dream to come back. "He cares about you a lot." I turn to look at Ink, who has a big smile on his face. Blue pipes in. "YEAH! HE CONSTANTLY WORRIES ABOUT YOU DURING MISSIONS. YOU'RE PRACTICALLY ALL HE THINKS ABOUT!" I blush at his comment and smile to myself. "Its nice to know he worries about me, even if there is no need."

With that, Dream returns with the bandaids. "I found them!" He comes back over to me and sits down on the last remaining bar stool. He carefully takes my hand and grabs a bandaid. He wraps it around my injured finger, gently to not hurt me. Even after finishing, he continues to hold my hand. 

"Thank you, Dream. But can I please finish dinner now?" He looks back up at me and smiles. "Nope! I don't want you cutting yourself again, so no cooking for you!" I look sadly at my half chopped veggies. "NEVER FEAR, HUMAN Y/N! I, THE MAGNIFICENT BLUEBERRY, SHALL FINISH DINNER!" Blue rushes over to the chopping board and begins frantically chopping away. Ink ducks out of the way as little bits of food fly through the air.

I look at Dream with a concerned look. He gives me a nervous smile. "I'll pick up food from Classic's GRILLBY'S." I giggle at him and nod my head. "I think that's a good idea." Dream swiftly pulls me toward him to avoid getting hit by the flying greenery. I fall into him and our faces are pressed close together. 

A wild blush spreads across both of our faces. Dream pulls away slightly and looks like he's about to apologize, but I cut him off. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and smile sweetly at him. "You're so adorable, Dreamy!"

This causes his blush to deepen. He looks down at the floor trying to hide it, but fails. I can hear Ink aww-ing in the background and Blue momentarily stops murdering the vegetables to look at us.

The rest of the night was full of teasing and food. Everyone had clearly forgotten about the stress and tiredness from earlier. 


I loved this one!

It was simple and cute. At least in my opinion it was.

Hope you liked it!

Bye bye!

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