Crescent x Reader

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Wow! I can't believe I'm doing a fanchild x reader oneshot. Thank you for the request Shushu_x! I hope this turns out well. Btw I'm basing this off the wiki for it.

Oh yeah! Angst. 

Background Knowledge 

You and Crescent have been meeting in secret for a while now. Each night he would sneak out of his house and meet you at the park. You two would always walk around and talk about how your days went. Tonight, however, was a little different.

Crescent's POV

I grumble as I walk to the park. "Stupid dad. Always telling me what do. Screw him." I had just gotten into yet another fight with my father. Those have been happening a lot more often lately. My only escape has been the little meetings I have with y/n. She gets me. Her relationship with her parents isn't the best either. She hasn't told me too many details, but I respect that. Everyone has secrets they want to keep.

I stop at our usual meeting spot, but y/n isn't there. "Y/n?" I wandered around a bit, calling her name. "Y/n!" No response. Damn it! Where are you? I start running, searching every inch of the park, but she isn't anywhere. Normally I wouldn't be worried, but y/n has never missed one of our meetings. Ever. I pull out my phone and dial her number. Pick up. Pick up. Come on! Pick up damn it!


I sigh in relief as she answers the phone. "Finally! Y/n, where the hell are you?!" She doesn't respond for a few seconds, the only sound was her ragged breathing. Something's wrong. "Y/n. Where are you? Are you alright? Answer me!" I started panicking. "Listen. . . Crescent. . . I-I don't think. . . I'll be able to see y-you tonight. Something. . . Happened and I won't be able t-to make it. Sorry. . ." She constantly paused in her sentences to breath. "Y/n! Tell me where you are! What's going on?! Y/n?!" It was useless. She had already hung up. 

I curse to myself and my hands start shaking. My tentacles swayed nervously. I'll just have to find her myself. I open up my Chatsnap app and head to the map. I swipe around until I find her icon. There she is. She wasn't too far away from here. She was standing on the sidewalk, not moving. What the hell is going on?

I quickly stuff my phone in my pocket and teleport over to the street she was on. I look down the side walk for her and saw her figure. "You know y/n, I don't like it when people ignore me. You should know that by now." I start walking over to her with a small smile on my face. Seems like I was worrying for no reason. I spoke too soon. As I walked closer, I noticed she was swaying from side to side uneasily. "Y/n?" She turns around slightly and I catch a glimpse of tears stuck in her eyes. Then she starts falling backward. My eye sockets widen and I teleport over and catch her. I pick her up off the ground and hold onto her tightly. "What happened y/n? You need to tell me." I spoke softly because of the tears that were now running silently down her face. She seemed to be having a hard time breathing. She speaks in a whisper, but I managed to hear it. "It. . . Hurts. . ."

I scan her for injures and notice the blood stains on her shirt. I lay her down on the ground and kneel down next to her. Without hesitation, I lift her shirt up part way and inhale sharply. She had a big gash on her stomach. My healing got magic isn't the best thanks to my good-for-nothing dad, but I try anyway. My hand envelops in a teal aura and I start sealing the wound. She hisses in pain and more tears fall down her face. I use my other hand to wipe away her tears. "Shhh. Everything's going to be fine." 

After a while, I stop. I did the best I could and she seemed healed for the most part. You couldn't visibly see the wound, but her stomach is going to be in pain a lot before it heals naturally. I pull her into my lap despite my dislike for touching people. She needs this right now. I hug her tightly, but not enough to hurt her. She had stopped crying, but she was clearly exhausted. "Y/n. I know you're tired, but I need you need to answer me one question." Y/n gave me a weak nod and a serious expression finds its way to my face. "W h o  d i d  t h i s  t o  y o u ?" I spoke slowly, trying not to lose my cool. 

She stiffens at the question. Then she starts shaking and I can see new tears falling down her face. Crap. I turn her to me and cup her face. "Hey hey hey. Stop that. You don't need to start crying again. I'm not good with this stuff, so please don't cry. I'm not going to able to comfort you. C'mon." She looks at me with wet eyes and my soul aches. I hate this. I take a deep breath and prepare myself. Quickly, I pull her close and wrap my arms around her. I pet her with one of my tentacles in an attempt to make her feel better. "You don't have to answer my question right now. But I want you to tell me later." 

Y/n doesn't respond. She stops shaking and her crying quiets down. "Better?" She sighs and snuggles closer to me. "Better." I try to pull away from the hug, but she grips onto the back of my jacket. "Not yet. Don't let go yet." I groan, but don't pull away. 

I may not like the physical contact, but knowing that she is here makes it better. I close my eyes and relax. I can deal with it for her and only her. 


I hope this was okay. Like I said before, I don't have a lot of experience with the ship children. I usually stay away from the ship children and just stick to the main ships. Just because the children make everything complicated.

I enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Bye bye!

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