Reaper x Goddess Reader

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Not my picture.

Honestly, Reaper is one of my top sanses. Btw sorry if I portray him differently than you.


Background Knowledge 

You and Reaper have been together for two years now. At first, no one could believe it. The fact that the god of death and the goddess of nature got together was flooring. You didn't have to do much with your job, but Reaper came home exhausted everyday. 

Your POV

I finished eating my dinner and sighed contentedly. Maybe I can read a book while I wait for Reaper to come home. I was about to head to the bookshelf when the door opened. Or not. I came to greet him at the door. "Hey hon! How was work?" A tired Reaper stumbled through the door and fell into my arms. I almost went to the floor, but I was able to keep both of us up. "Aww. Is my Reaper tired?" 

He grumbled in response and I sighed, dragging him to the sofa. I collapsed onto it with Reaper still in my arms. I'm glad he's a skeleton or else I'd be crushed. He snuggles into me, "accidentally" nuzzling into my chest. I pet his skull and closed my eyes. "Do you want something to eat?"

He mumbled something that sounded like a 'you' and I rolled my eyes. "If you're still managing to flirt, then I guess you're not as tired as I thought." I made my way to get up, but Reaper held me down. "You not leaving." He said kissing my chin, then clinging onto me again. I sigh and smile down at him. He never changes. "So you don't want anything to eat?" He thought about it for a second before shaking his head.

I nod and relax in my spot on the couch. I have a feeling I'm not getting up anytime soon. Reaper looked up at me again and stared for a bit with wide eye sockets. It was hard to not squeal at the adorableness. He scooted up a bit so that he was looking directly at me. I stared back at him with an amused smile. His gaze was loving and filled with adoration. He rested his forehead on mine and sighed. "I need a recharge kiss." 

I hold back a giggle and smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He lifted his forehead from mine and smirked. "You missed." Then he kissed me sweetly on the lips. I smile into it and close my eyes. After a few seconds, I feel something wet swipe across my lips and I pull away. Reaper pouted a bit at how short the kiss was and goes in for another, but I stop him. "No. This isn't going where you want it to."

He played innocent, but I saw through that disguise. I quirked a brow at him and he gave up. "Ugh, fine. I won't push you. Only kisses." I smiled at him and pecked his teeth(?). He doesn't waste anytime in coming back for another kiss like the first. This time it lasted a little longer.

I enjoy his kisses. They're always really sweet. He pulls away maybe half an inch away from my lips, his breath tickling me. "I love you. I love you so much." I smile at him. Instead of kissing me on the lips again, he dusts my entire face with kisses. I giggle a little at this and scrunch up my nose.

After he's done, he cuddles his head into my neck, relaxing. I wrap my arms around him and hug him as close as I can. "I love you too." His breathing evened out after a while and I knew he was asleep. I move slightly, hoping I could at least sleep in bed, but Reaper just grips me tighter. Then he mumbles in his sleep. "No." I shake my head and close my eyes.

I focused on Reapers even breaths and tried to match them. Soon enough sleep started to take over. I gave him one last kiss on his skull, before nodding off to sleep.


I feel all warm and happy on the inside!

Also: DEAR GOD HELP ME! I just remembered why I said I might do an occasional lime. IT'S BECAUSE I CAN'T WRITE THEM!

I know this isn't a lime, but it sure was heading there and then I sorta siked out of it. Maybe one day I'll do one, but you guys will just have to wait until then.

Anyways. Hope you enjoyed this one!

Bye bye!

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