Meme Squad Headcanons

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Yo! This was requested by two people: AreebaDazzle and LunaMoonlightProxy! Thank you and I hope you enjoy!


DS Nightmare

👑 Kissing your cheek is his favorite. Sure, he enjoys kissing you on the lips too, but kissing you on the cheek seems so much more endearing to him. Whenever you get mad or frustrated, he just comes up to you and peppers your cheeks with kisses. That tends to calm you down.

👑 This boy hates seeing you hurt. When you get hurt, he picks you up and sits you down on the couch or a bed and demands to know who hurt you. If you tell him that you just tripped over a rock outside, he will literally head outside, find whichever rock you tripped over, and pelt it as far away as he can. Then he will come back in and snuggle with you.

👑 Nightmare can be very silly at times. One time when you got kidnapped by the Justice Reigns, Nightmare came to save you. He rushed in without any plan at all. When he finally got to the room you were being held in, he smiled and said "Your knight in. . ." He looked down at his outfit. "Purple linen is here to save you!" He then ran over, picked you up, and booked it out of there.

👑 When Nightmare is involved, arguments are never pretty. No relationship is perfect. Nightmare gets mad over petty things. One time you tried learning more about the Justice Reigns to help the Meme Squad and you ended up getting hurt. Normally he would have snuggled you until you felt better, but in this instance he got really mad. He yelled at you a lot for being so reckless and stupid, when in reality he was upset with himself for not protecting you. It took a while for things to go back to normal.

👑 When he wants to make up with you for fighting, he will buy you a stuffed animal and come to your room with your favorite pizza in hand. This never fails to get him back on your good side. Though when the argument is really serious, sometimes he has to bring up your favorite movie as well.

DS Cross

Cross doesn't have a favorite type of kiss. When he wants to show his affection, he will kiss your cheeks, forehead, nose, lips, and neck. He's just a big bundle of love!

When you get hurt, he freaks. He doesn't know exactly what to do, so he just hugs you until you feel better. If you are majorly hurt, he will bring you to Error(the rational one). He will stay by your side 24/7 and not sleep a wink until you are better.

❌ Cross is very clingy and absolutely no one is allowed to disturb his cuddle time. One time when the two of you were cuddling, Nightmare came in to say that the Justice Reigns had found them. Cross's response was "Tell them to f*ck off then!". This took both you and Nightmare by surprise. Cross isn't one to swear often. 

Arguments with this boy don't last long. The longest he has stayed mad at you is 12 hours. Usually after you guys fight, the two of you will avoid each other until one apologizes. Cross is always the one to come running back to you. He can't last very long without cuddles.

When your especially mad at him, he will come to your room with a speech. Yes, a speech. This freakin thing is probably 7 pages long and it's basically just him saying sorry. Before he can make it to the second page, you have already forgiven him. He's too sweet to be mad at.

DS Error

🧵Error likes kissing your lips. This boy is constantly tired and functions off of coffee alone. When he kisses you, they tend to be a little bit off. Sometimes he only manages to kiss your top lip or just your bottom lip. His kisses also taste like coffee.

🧵When he sees you hurt, the first thing he does is patch you up the best he can. He stays calm and collected while the others are there, but as soon as they leave, he bursts into tears. This boy is shy when it comes to showing his emotions. He doesn't like showing others his weak side.

🧵He doesn't tend to ask you for affection. He's too embarrassed. When he does gain enough courage to, he usually trips over his words. You have to be the one to ask for him to not be embarrassed. 

🧵Error is way to tired to argue with you most of the time. When he hasn't had any coffee in a while, he can become irritable. One time you approached him when he hasn't had his coffee yet and he yelled at you. He's like a different person. After he drank some coffee, he realized what a terrible mistake he made and went to apologize.   

🧵When he comes to apologize, he gets really embarrassed. He will bow down to you and beg for forgiveness with a huge blush on his face. 


Sorry is this sucked guys.

I changed up DS Error's personality if you couldn't already tell. I learned a bit more of the canon personalities of them and decided to change my vision of him a bit.

After I finished writing his headcanon, I realized that he has the same coffee addiction as me.

Alright that's it!

Bye Bye!

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