DS Ink x Mermaid Reader

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Thank you so much for this request AreebaDazzle! I hope you enjoy.

Background Knowledge 

Ink has just finished one of his missions assigned to him by Dream. He decides that he will spend the rest of his free time in a random AU. He finds an interesting one and stays there. After traveling for quite some time he comes across a small alcove. Little did he know that he wasn't entirely alone. . .

Ink's POV

I sigh and sit down on the cold stone beside the pool of water. I lie back completely and close my eye sockets. Another day of work has ended. Now is my time to rest and question everything. Being surrounded by people arguing and feeling stuff  makes me wonder what it's like to be completely in control of how I feel. I don't understand what makes them so upset. I don't understand why they get excited over victories. I just don't understand. 

"Hmmm hm hm hmm hmmm hm hm hmm~"

I open one eye socket and look up blankly. Where's that singing coming from? With ease, I sit myself up and look around. There is no one else on the rocks and the voice isn't coming from outside of this cove. It's coming from the water. I stand up and walk to the edge of the rocks. I look out at the water and try to find the source of the song. 

"Hm hmm hm hmmmm hm hmm~"

The water ripples slightly and I see a wave of color travel beneath its surface. I try to follow it with my eye sockets, slightly intrigued by whatever it could be. 

"Hmmm hm hm hmm hmmm hm hm hmm~"

The hum of the creature in the water continues as I try to follow it with my eyelights. Soon enough the creature breaks the surface of the water. I can clearly tell what it is now that the water does not distort its figure. A mermaid. She pulls herself up onto a rock that is protruding from the center of the cove. She continues to hum with her eyes closed, a small smile present on her face. She looks peaceful.

I stand there and listen to her song, completely bewitched. She's not a mermaid. She has to be a siren. I shake my head and try to break out of my trance. The only way for me to be so intent on her is if she is a siren. That is what they do after all. Despite my attempts, I can't pry my eyelights from her. Her h/l, shiny h/c hair waves in the wind behind her, practically glowing in the light. Her s/c skin has a soft look to it and makes the appearance of having no blemishes. Her f/c tail glistens and shines with water droplets left behind from her previous swimming. She flicks it slightly to shake some of the water off. I focus my eyelights on her face mostly, avoiding any other places as to not seem indecent. I may not be able to understand boundaries on my own, but I have learned my lesson of what is inappropriate thanks to certain experiences. 

She stops humming and opens her eyes. They are a piercing e/c with little flecks of f/c. She turns my way and finally acknowledges my presence. She smiles at me and waves. "Hello!" Her voice sounds even more sweet than when she was singing. I don't respond. Instead I continue to look at her. She tilts her head to the side and dives back into the water. A few seconds later she pops back up right by me, still in the water of course. She smiles at me again and this time she waves a hand. "Hello? Are you listening?"

I give her a curt nod and sit down on the rock to be more level with her. She holds out a hand to me, most likely wishing to properly greet me. I take her hand as she speaks again. "My name is y/n. What's yours?" I withdraw my hand from hers and lean back on both of my hands, still looking at her. "Ink." She claps her hands together and splashes the water a bit with her tail. "That's a cute name!" 

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