DS Nightmare x Reader

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I love this picture. (Not mine btw)

Another Dreamswap oneshot requested by the wonderful Emeraldgaze18! I didn't realize how popular Dreamswap was until I got all of these requests and I am shook. 


Background Knowledge

You have always supported the Justice Reigns. You joined Dream at the very beginning. Though, you weren't a fighter. You sat back and managed everything back at the HQ. You even made dinner for everyone once they got back from battle. The truth is you hadn't even met the infamous 'Nightmare'. All you knew was what Dream told you. So you were pleasantly surprised when you met for the first time. . .

Your POV

A pleasant breeze blew through the air, rustling the trees around me. It was such a nice, relaxing day out. I was enjoying a lovely walk in the garden to avoid any chaos that might ensue inside the HQ. Apparently, they lost the self-proclaimed meme squad again. I was slightly intrigued about them. I mean, if they're really as evil as everyone says, then why call themselves the 'meme squad'. Granted, I do love the name. 

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. So peaceful. Then I heard it. The path began to shake and I could hear stomping and yelling in the distance. I open my eyes and look alarmingly in that direction. The sight was rather odd. Three people, no, skeletons were riding in a laundry cart, racing at an incredibly high speed. One was clinging on for dear life, another was praying, and the third was pointing forward like the captain of a ship. "Carry on men! We will not die here!"

I stumble as I try to run away. I inhale sharply as my ankle twists unnaturally. In a last attempt to get out of the way, I leap into a patch of free grass. The cart comes barreling past me and I see that it's headed straight for a tree. "Watch out!" I yelled for them, but it was too late. They crashed into it and I wince at the sound. 

I look over slightly to see if they were okay. I hear some grumbles and then the cart is pushed up and out of the way, revealing the three skeletons. The skeleton who was pretending to be a captain brushed himself off and made his way over to me. I was astonished by his lack of injury, but I was way to concerned about the two in the back. One was shaking the other insistently saying how he was to young to die.

I was snapped out of my worry when I saw a hand stick out in front of me. I look up and see the 'captain' skeleton smiling at me. "Hey! Are you okay? I saw how you practically leaped out of the way." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to my feet. I cringed in pain when I put wait on my injured foot. "I'll be fine. I might have sprained my ankle though. That was quite the entrance you made." He laughed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck. "People around here don't like us too much, so we had to make a quick escape."

I nodded my head and smiled. This skeleton was certainly creative. "Are you sure you'll be okay though? Since it's partially my fault I could patch it up for you." I shake my head at the offer and start to reply, but I get interrupted by some distant yells. The two skeletons in the back stiffen up and look over at the skeleton near me. "Nightmare, we need to get out of here before they find us!" 

'Nightmare' looked at me regrettably and then at his companions. "But this girl is hurt because of us. I can't just leave her injured like this!" Wait. Nightmare. Like meme squad Nightmare! I look at him and the other two alarmed at the realization. One of the other skeletons sighs. "If you're so intent on fixing her up, then grab her and let's go! We can't waste anymore time." 

Le what? The distant yells seemed closer than before. Nightmare looks down at me and gives an awkward smile. "Sorry in advance?" It was more like a question than a statement. I don't get anytime to respond. He picks me up bridal style and runs over to his companions. "Let's go!"

My brain was having a hard time keeping track of what was happening. All that it understood was that I was being kidnapped.

Looooong Time Skippity 

I yawn and stretch as I wake up. The night had been somewhat peaceful. At least I can go downstairs, have breakfast, and enjoy my morning.


I groan in displeasure from the sudden noise. I sit up in bed and wipe my tired eyes. "WELL IF YOU'RE SOOOO SMART, WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT!?" Cross. I hear more yells get exchanged as I get dressed. I stumble down the stairs, running a brush through my h/l hair. 

I walk into the kitchen and duck out of the way of flying cutlery. I walk over to Error and grab Kevin out of his hands, placing him back on the ground. Next I walk behind Cross and turn off the flamethrower that was pointed threateningly at Nightmare. I scoot past him and bring Nightmare into a hug, yawning again. "Can't you guys be just a little quieter? No wonder the Justice Reign keeps finding us."

Nightmare hugs me back and sighs. "I try so hard to keep them controlled!" He whines. "I don't know how I survived without you before!" I hear an offended 'hey' come from Error. 

I giggle and pull away from the hug. I plant a kiss on his forehead and smile. "I'm glad I met you guys. You make my life interesting." I clap my hands authoritatively. "Now. Why don't you go do whatever, while I make breakfast. You seem to be having some trouble." They nod and walk off to the door, probably going to fool around outside.

I sigh and roll up my sleeves. "Alright! Breakfast!"

Oh look! Another Time Skippity!

I dust the flour off of my hands and nod in satisfaction at the plates of pancakes on the table. I head to the door ready to call for the boys, but I suddenly hear a crash. I throw the door open and rush out. My eyes widen at the sight. Cross and Error were being held back while Nightmare was being held by the throat by none other than Dream.

My aura snaps in an instant. I swear a shiver ran down the spines of everyone there.

"H a n d s  o f f  o f  h i m." My voice was cold and threatening. Everyone looks towards me and Dream's eye sockets widen. "Y/n! I didn't think we wou-" He shuts up at the sight of my face. I was not happy. He immediately lowers Nightmare, dropping him to the ground. Nightmare gasps for breath and reaches up a hand to his throat. I pointed at Dream, eyes boring into his. 

"You. Get over here now."

He complied, looking seriously afraid. He stood in front of me and was about to question why, but I brought a finger in front of his face. He looked at me, waiting patiently. I smiled sickeningly at him. "We're gonna have a little chat. Alright?" He nodded at me, eyes widened in fear.


One meaningful conversation later!

"And that is why you've been wrong this entire time!"

I smiled genuinely at Dream who stood, shocked at the facts I had just dropped on him. Nightmare, Cross and Error has made their way behind me during our talk and smiled smugly at them. "Now. The three of us are gonna go have breakfast."

I turned from Dream and grabbed Nightmare by the hand, walking back inside along with Cross and Error. We closed the door behind us and headed for the dinner table. Nightmare turns to me and smiles. "Did I ever tell you how awesome it is to have you as my girlfriend?"

I smiled sweetly at him. "I love you, Night." He kissed me on the cheek.

"Love you too."


This was fun! I did think that it was a little lazy tho.

I hope you guys liked it at least!

Bye bye!

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