Justice Reigns Headcanons

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Thanks for the request AreebaDazzle! I hope this turns out well.


DS Dream

☀️ He loves kissing your hands. He often does it in such a gentlemanly way that you get all flustered and he loves it. 

☀️ If he finds a single scratch on you, he panics and hurts anyone who he thinks might be the suspect. When you tell him that you just tripped, he will envelop you in his wings and hug you for the rest of the day, all while telling you how clumsy you are. 

☀️ He's a very stern skele and he doesn't like being trifled with. You couldn't defy him even if you tried. If he wants you to stay at the HQ, you stay at the HQ. If he wants you to stay away from a certain person, then you will stay away. Of course Dream doesn't use his stern persona just to protect you. He also does it for sweet things. If he wants you to read a story to him, then you will. If he wants you to let him braid your hair, then you'll let him. 

☀️ Playing with your hair makes him extremely happy. Even if he is in an important meeting with the other Justice Reigns he will randomly teleport you there, sit you down in his lap, and start messing with your hair. If you try to leave, he will create a dome with his wings around you. There is no escape.

DS Blue

💝 He likes kissing your neck. Sometimes he will come up to you and leave butterfly kisses down your neck. He will then bring you into a comforting hug. It makes him feel loved and wanted.

💝 When you get hurt, he heals you the best he can and then wraps you in a blanket burrito. After you fall asleep, he goes out and destroys about three AUs to let off steam. He avoids getting mad around you, afraid that he might hurt you by accident. 

💝 He is a very possessive skele. Before you can make new friends, he has to do a background check on them and threaten them. The thought of losing you scares him. He will do whatever it takes to keep you with him. No matter what he may have to do.

💝 He gives you gifts a lot. The excited expression you have when he gives them to you makes him very happy. You hug him and thank him, which he accepts gladly. Little do you know that he didn't exactly pay for all of those gifts. . .

DS Ink

🍩 He loves kissing you directly on the lips. He often rests his hands on your waist while he does. Then he pulls away for a second and whispers 'I love you' before kissing you again.

🍩 When you get hurt, he is completely helpless. He doesn't know what will make you feel better and all he can do is sit and hear you cry. He hates it so much that he will hug you until you feel better, all while muttering apologies for not being able to help.

🍩 He's not an affectionate skele, but he tries his best for you. At times, he gives off the impression that he doesn't care about you because of his lack of emotions. When you tell him about this he immediately kisses you and tells you how much you mean to him. Although his tone of voice is flat and emotionless, you know that he means every word.

🍩 Although he doesn't realize it, he is a very romantic skele. Since he has no filter for what he says, sometimes he will say incredibly flirty things. One time you and him were eating donuts and he said 'it's so sweet. Just like you.' You were incredibly flustered, but he just continued eating his donut as if he hadn't said anything.


I think I did pretty good with this. I hope that you guys enjoyed it!

Bye bye!

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