CPAU Geno x Shy Reader

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Not my image.

I don't own the CPAU. By the way, I tried to get the dialogue as accurate as I could in this. I did change a few things however.

Background Knowledge 

You're a human from Reapertale. You always stick to Reaper's side like glue. He treats you like a little sister. When he says that he's going to a Christmas Party, you immediately wanted to come. Of course you only realized just what you were volunteering for after you arrived.

Geno's POV


I said this from the floor after falling down. Classic had just told me a pun and I would have enjoyed it, if it didn't hurt to laugh. "Eyyyyy. It ain't a real party until you got a proper death on your hands." I sit up with a struggle and look at the new comer. It was another Sans I had never seen before. There also seemed to be someone hiding behind him. "Sorry I'm late, traffic through the infinite multiverse was killer." Whoever was hiding behind this Sans giggled a little. I tried to see behind him, but it was no use with how drunk I was. "Hmm? What's this?"

The new Sans was looking at me. I just glared back. Classic started to explain the situation to the new Sans. I tuned it out. I once again tried to see behind the Sans. I leaned to far and fell down to the ground again. "Ugh." I managed to get a peak at the hiding person. She was wearing a matching sweater with the Sans that read 'Death the halls'. Except hers was f/c. She noticed that I was watching her and hid further behind the Sans. I was sort of disappointed.

"-I'm pretty sure your amigo back there should have died a while ago. I hate working on my time off." I stood up wobbly on my feet and leaned against the wall for support. "Don'Nt wORry! I goT thIss!" The Sans, I think his name is Reaper, looked at me with a lazy smile. "Do you? I don't think you do." This guy is pissing me off. Classic tried to intervene, but I cut him off. I pointed at Reaper accusingly. "Firfst oFf, Mr. "CoOl Guy" ReaPerr. Thisf is ThE void, notT ur piece of gaRbge "ReaperTale UnivErse" Ya'll GoT no JurIsDictIon hEre!"

The girl behind Reaper peaked over at me and my already red skull turned more red. I tried to ignore her and continued ranting. "AnD nExt oFff, I diE whEn I sAy I DiE. Do yoU heAr me u CloaK weArin dUmb skElegodd?? I DefY u and I'lL kicK ur StUpiD fAce." Reaper took a long sip of what appeared to be Starbucks coffee. "Touching me would kill you faster." The girl glared a little at Reaper and sighed. 

My legs started getting weaker and I'm unsure whether or not it's the alcohol or the cute girl. "SHUT IT WITH YOUR STUPID LOGICC! I'm- Just- I neED to sit dowN, bUt I'lL fiTe yoU puNk." I fall back to the floor again. I here a gasp and then rushing footsteps. I open my eye socket and see the girl looking down at me. Her brows were furrowed with worry. "Are you okay?" 

She looked heavenly. Her hair fell beside her face slightly and the lights of the room made it look like she was glowing. I wanted to say something to her, but the pain in my stomach stopped me. "Ugh. . ." I grip my stomach in pain. She pulls me into her lap and tells me to relax. Classic pipes in too. "Yeah. Just take a rest buddy."

I looked up at the girl and saw her smiling at me. My words were slurred, but I managed to speak to her. "WhAt's uR nAme aNgel?" Shit. I didn't mean to add that last part. A blush covered her cheeks and she looked away. "Well-Umm-my name is Y/n. What's yours?" She got quieter with each word. Adorable. 

Y/n's blush deepened and I realized I said that out loud. I blush as well and try to recover. "MY naMee iZ GenO." I groan because of my headache and close my eyes. The two of us stay silent for a bit. She mumbles something, but I couldn't hear it. "WhaT dId u sAyy?" She avoided eye contact and spoke again, louder this time. "D-do you really think I'm a-adorable?" 

My eye sockets widen at her question. I struggle to sit up, but eventually make it so that I'm facing her. She protests to me sitting up, but I ignore her. I look into her eyes, her beautiful e/c eyes. "YeAh. I Do thINk urr AdoRable." The alcohol was definitely affecting me. I had the sudden urge to kiss her. 

She blushed and stuttered a lot, not really knowing how to respond. I scooted closer to her almost in a trance. She focused back on me and blushed at the fact that our faces were a few inches apart. "CaN I KisS yOu?" 

She looked at me shocked, but didn't respond. My drunk nonexistent ass took that as a 'yes'. I closed the gap between us and kiss her a little too hard. She falls back onto her hands from the force of it and I lean forward after her. 

Your POV

Oh my god! What's going on?! Why's he kissing me?! I had to fight to keep myself propped up on my hands. He was still drunk and couldn't hold himself up, so he was leaning completely on me. I'm not gonna lie, I am enjoying this. It might have been a little forced, but it was still sweet. 

He pulls away a little, ghosting my lips. "I shOuldN't havE dOne thAt, riGhT? He mumbles against me lips. "Pr-probably n-not." He doesn't move and neither do I. "CAn I dO iT agAin?" I inhaled sharply and my cheeks heated up even more. My heart was saying yes, but my head was saying no. Reaper also said no.

"Heyyy Geno. I'd back away from her if I were you."

Everything went deathly silent. I saw a figure towering behind Geno. He, of course, was still drunk and not thinking clearly. Geno started clinging onto me. "NOoOOo. I'm Not LEtTinG go of thIs anGel! GoO AWayy!" Oh no. Reaper's lazy expression turned dark. "Get your hands off her, Geno or I'm going to find a way to kill in this void." I knew that Reaper was dead serious about it too.

I hugged Geno back and looked pleadingly up at him. "Don't hurt him. He didn't do anything wrong." I whispered my words, not wanting to raise my voice. "HE KISSED YOU! I'd say that he did something very wrong!" Geno seemed about to say something, but I cut him off. Anything he said would only make the situation worse. "But I liked it."

Despite it being a drunken kiss, I still enjoyed it. I don't really know why though. I didn't know this skeleton. Not very well anyway. Sure he was cute and seemed like a nice guy, but was that enough to make it okay for someone to kiss me? I don't know anymore. 

Reaper was clearly done with this bullshit. He started trying to rip Geno off of me. Geno merely protested and clung to me harder. "NOoOooO! I'M neVer leaVing hEr! I'm kEePing HeR!" I blushed wildly at this, but kept holding onto him. Reaper stopped pulling at Geno and sighed. "I'll let this go for now. Just don't think about kissing her again. And you're not keeping her. As soon as this party is done, we're heading back to ReaperTale."

Geno started protesting this, talking about how he couldn't live without 'his angel'. Despite his drunkenness, he still sounded genuine. It was sweet. I calmed him down and he ended up falling asleep, still holding onto me. I smiled down at him. I think I'll get to know him better and then, maybe, our next kiss won't be a drunk one.


Sorry if this was crap. I tried my best.

Also I'm sorta second guessing me schedule thing. I might have more time than I think. Just keep an eye out for new chapters. I think I might just post them randomly. Sorry.

Btw I just have to add this in here. Geno is adorable! I think he's one of my favorites! 

Alright I think I'm done.

Bye bye!

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