Fellswap Sans x reader

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(Art above is NOT mine)

Warning: please do not get upset if this isn't an inaccurate portrayal. It is easy for me to get confused with fellswap and swapfell. If you know the answer to this question please comment because I am very confused:

Is swapfell red the same as fellswap or are they completely different Aus?

Background Knowledge

Since you fell to the Underground, the skele bros have taken you in. Why they did that? You don't know. You've been living with them for a short amount of time. Sans is tough on you, but he isn't as cruel to you as he is to others. Papyrus is sort of like your caretaker, but today Papyrus was called out of the house, leaving you in Sans's care.

Your POV


This is terrible. Sans is standing in front of me with his signature grin on his face. I mentally groan. It's not that I don't like Sans! It's just that he doesn't tend to handle things with care. He is very violent most of the time and he is usually quite hostile to me. What I don't understand is why he seems so enthusiastic about this. Normally he would think of it as a chore, but today he seemed almost happy to be with me. "AHEM. HUMAN! STOP STARING OFF INTO SPACE!" 

I shake my head and focus my attention back on Sans. He looks frustrated. "NOW. I WOULD LIKE YOU TO TELL ME WHAT PAPYRUS USUALLY DOES WHEN HE TAKES CARE OF YOU." What Papyrus does? All of the thoughts coming to mind are most certainly not things I can tell Sans. Papyrus tended to let me do what I wanted and sometimes we would play games together. I shiver at the thought of what Sans might interpret as a 'game'. "Well Papyrus would usually...um...participate in...activities...with me." That didn't come out right.

Sans raises a bone brow. "ACTIVITIES? GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF AN 'ACTIVITY' YOU AND HIM WOULD DO." I clear my through and awkwardly look to the side. "W-well, we...um...w-we watched a m-movie...once." I continued to avoid eye contact with Sans, fearing his response. Sans didn't 'approve' of leisurely activities. He found them lazy and unproductive. "HMMM. A MOVIE? THAT DEFINITELY SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING MY LAZY BROTHER WOULD CONSIDER AN ACTIVITY." 

I look back at Sans, puzzled. That was not the answer I was expecting. When Sans finds Papyrus being lazy, he usually scolds him and, much to my dismay, beats him. Sans seemed to be contemplating something while tapping his finger on his chin. I sat and waited for him to finish thinking, knowing I would probably be scolded for speaking out. 

After a few minutes of waiting, Sans snaps his fingers and looks directly at me. "I HAVE DECIDED HUMAN. WE WILL WATCH A MOVIE TOGETHER! NORMALLY I WOULD NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS LAZINESS, BUT I WISH TO EXPERIMENT SOMETHING. NOW I WILL GET THE MOVIE WHILE YOU GET THE APPROPRIATE MOVIE SNACKS." And with that, he was gone. I stand up and head to the kitchen still thoroughly confused about that conversation. What is he planning? He said he wanted to experiment something, whatever that means. . .

Time Skippity

Oh hell no. After getting the popcorn, I walk back to the living room to see Sans sitting there, holding the movie disk for "A Quiet Place"(an actual movie and it's scary as hell). As soon as I see it, I try and make a silent escape (get it because it's a quiet place). However Sans notices my presence before I can leave the room. "AH. THERE YOU ARE! COME ON HUMAN. I FOUND THIS HORROR MOVIE AND THOUGHT IT WOULD MAKE PERFECT ENTERTAINMENT FOR TODAY."

Sans you asshole! I defeatedly make my way back to the couch and plop down next to Sans. "ARE YOU READY HUMAN?" I glance over at Sans and sigh. "As ready as I'll ever be." 

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