Chapter 38: Surprises

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~Lex's P.O.V~

January 11th 2012

I think I failed my Mid Terms By the way. But anyway.

You would not believe how nervous the boys are this morning. The talent show is Tomorrow and the boys are freaking out. Zayn has been so worried he's gonna forget the lyrics. Liam thinks he's gonna just pass out on stage from nervousness. Louis has been complaining about the butterflies in his stomach. Niall has been worried he's gonna play the wrong notes on the guitar. And Harry just is nervous everyone's gonna make fun of him. It took all of us girls willpower to calm those boys down. I mean they were all so jittery.

I walked down to Drama with Liam, Dani, and Louis that Morning and when we stepped in the room Louis FREAKED OUT! Hanging around the room were HUGE! posters of each act who was performing in the show. Under each poster was a box with a Sign that said VOTES. Apparently for fun the audience could vote for their favorite act.

Louis squealed and ran over to the giant poster with ONE DIRECTION! written in all caps. Louis jabbed his finger at the poster.

"I'M ON A POSTER!!!!!"

Liam ran over and he and Lou did a little high five then they stood there and admired their faces on the wall.

We all sat down for class and Mrs. Flaperkins walked on stage. She wore black pants, sneakers, her hair was down, and she had on a frosty the snowman sweater.

"Ok Class for today we are going to put our skits which most of you have to perform on hold for a moment. I have a surprise! Mr. Payne, Mr. Tomlinson. Would ever be so kind to come up on this stage?"

Louis and Liam awkwardly stood up and walked up to the stage.

"Now boys I have a surprise for you. this is your voting box here." She held up a box covered in bat man and superman stickers.

"Haha. We decorated that. Me and Liam." Louis said.

"Yes" Mrs. F continued.

"Now none of the other acts have any votes yet because the show has not yet begun. Yet heres the funny thing." She opened the box and turned it upside down. Tons of scraps of paper that said Voting ticket on them spilled out onto the stage. Liam and Louis stood there gapping at the tickets.

"All these people have voted for you boys. Congratulations. " everyone erupted in a thunder of applause, and all Liam and Louis could do was smile.

After that I think the boys found some confidence inside of them knowing that people actually liked them just from rehearsals. And especially Harry got some major confidence that day also.

I was just minding my own business. Putting my books away in my locker, in the quiet empty hallway. I was about to go upstairs when Harry ran up to me. I turned around to face him and I was overwhelmed by his lovely smile.

"So uhh Lex. I was wondering since tomorrow is the show and all and to celebrate we're actually going to do this would you.....Lex can i have the pleasure of.... Would you join me and....." I put my finger over his lips.

"Shhhhh....." I whispered. "Harry are you trying to ask me out on a date?"

He smiled then nodded.

"Go get ready love. come down to my car at 7. " then he kissed me on the cheek and walked away.

I stood there for a moment in shock. Then I jumped in the air and screamed silently and did a fist pump in the air. Then I raced up stairs my heart pounding. I burst into our room and slammed the door and sunk to the ground. Beaming. Perrie, El, and Dani turned to look at me.

"What's up with you?" El said.

"Oh El! I need help now. It's 6:30 what'll I wear!? What'll We do?! Oh I don't know what to do I have half an hour Ugh!!"

"LEX!" Dani yelled putting her hands on my shoulders. "You're hyperventilating. Now what is it?" I took a deep breath.

Harry asked me out on a date

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