Chapter 44: The show

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~Harry's P.O.V~

Me and the boys raced backstage and got dressed. We were immediately sent to hair and makeup after that. The dressers fixed up Zayn's mess of black hair and they swooped his hair upwards also adding a little color to his blonde highlight. They took Louis's hair and swooped it up, and they did the same for Niall. Liam stood there watching us because the people who had signed up for hair and makeup didn't have to do anything with him.

One girl when she was done with Louis tried to coax me into a chair but I said no because even if she did style my hair I would just mess it up again by doing my hair flip thing that I always do. The set crew gave us some microphones and told us to wait in an area till we were called on stage. We stood in silence in the room then Louis said.

"So you lads ready?" He asked.

I glanced up at the TV in the room. So student in the audience was filming the show and Mrs. Flaperkins was out on the stage introducing the first act. 2 boys with matching out fits raced on stage and started to do a juggling act.

"Honestly no" Liam replied back to Louis.


I don't know how long we were in the room waiting. Louis started a game of throw paper balls at Liam till he gets ticked off and chases you around the really tiny room. While Liam was sitting on top of Louis a set dude came into the room. He smiled at Liam and and Louis on the floor.

"Boys you're on in five!" He said.

We all looked at each other. We were really doing this.

"Let's do this poo!" I said and made every one laugh.

The set dude led us past other acts and stuff and he positioned us behind the curtain. I thought ok we have a track to play we have our voices Niall has his guitar. I stopped Niall doesn't have his guitar! He has El's cousins or whoever s guitar. I glanced over at Niall holding the old beat up one. I went quickly back to my thoughts. The sound engineering students had helped us create a really professional sounding track for our song. I looked around. The curtain hadn't raised yet. About a million thoughts flashed through my mind. Then another set dude came over to Niall and handed him a guitar. He stood there wide eyed staring at it.

"Niall what is that?" I asked.

He turned to me and held up the guitar. "It's from Lex! And it's signed by Michael Bub'le, Justin Beiber, And Robby Wiliams!!!" He said excitedly!

The guitar was a smooth gray color it had specks of gold thrown into the paint. It was beautiful.

"Wow!" Louis gasped. "Lex really came through."

Niall swung the guitar on his back and We stood there in position.

"5...4..3..2!" A set guy shouted and the curtain raised

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