Chapter 31: Alright

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~Niall's P.O.V~

"We could still be really close friends." Is what Lex had said to me. I stood there staring at her. Then I nodded and walked around the side of the school. I sat outside for the remainder of lunch then I snuck back into the school and managed to go to my classes without anybody noticing me. I was upset. I didn't want anybody to notice me. After dinner had ended (which I didn't attend but instead walked across the street to subway.) I went to my locker to get some books so I could study for our huge Mid term coming up. When I walked to my locker I was alone. Or so I thought.

I went to my locker and grabbed my books then went in the direction of the stairs. As I came down the hallway I noticed Greg was up to his usual tricks and was harassing some kid who was yelling at him. I rolled my eyes and sighed. Oh Greg. I thought.

I thought to myself that I would just sneak by him without him noticing and I would just let the kid be. But when I got closer I stopped. Frozen. I couldn't let Greg hurt this kid! It was Harry!

Greg had a good strong grip on a chunk of Harry's hair. He was screaming.

"Ow! Not the hair! Not the hair!" Greg was smirking and yanking at Harry's curls, and I stood there like and idiot just watching it all go down. Harry noticed me.

"Niall! Thank Goodness you're here!" Greg looked at me and dropped Harry to the floor with a thud.

"Oww!" He moaned.

"Well well well. If it isn't our little Irish boy!" Greg said walking towards me.

"Greg Myers!" I yelled. "Leave us alone."

He grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"Please?" I squeaked.

"You have no right to interfear!" He yelled.

"Leave him alone Greg!" Harry yelled standing up.

Greg turned to him, and glanced back and forth between me and Harry.

"Two against one. Now that's not very fair now is it?" He smirked.

I stared at him and I felt strong with Harry next to me.

"Greg just go study!" I said pointing down the hallway.

He looked surprised that we weren't cowering in fear of him.

Then he ran his hand through Harrys hair messing it up and ran down the hallway shouting.

"BE GLAD I DIDN'T PULVERIZE YOU!" Then he yelled something that surprised me. "AND HORAN! WHY ARE YOU AND MALIK NOT IN MY DORM WITH ME!? I KINDA MISS YA!" Then he disappeared around the corner.

Me and Harry exchanged glances. Greg miss me and Zayn!? Theres no way!

"Thanks back there!" Harry said after a long pause.

"Hey no problem. And why was Greg messing with you any way?" I asked.

"Let's just say Greg doesn't exactly like the idea of getting a math textbook dropped on his foot.!" He laughed.

"Hey I'm sorry." I said to Harry.

He looked at me.

"What for?"

"For being mad about you and Lex. I'm happy for you guys I really am."

"Hey it's fine. Plus I just know one day you are gonna find the perfect girl for you! There are plenty of other leprechauns out there!" We laughed then we put our arms around each other and walked back to our dorm.


Things were gonna be alright.

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