Chapter: 6 Curls and Stipes

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~Lex's POV~

I went to the rest of my classes and finished up my morning. I got an hour or so of free time before lunch. I think they called it free period here. I walked back through the crowded halls and straight to my locker to put my books away. As I put my stuff away, I glanced behind me and noticed a boy leaning against the lockers across the hall, staring at me.

This boy was absolutely beautiful. He had emerald green eyes that sparkled in the light. He was smiling at me with the cutest dimples. He wore a white T-shirt, skinny jeans and red converse all-stars. I noticed a tattoo on his wrist and two more on his arms. I also saw one peeking out on his collar bone. One of his most striking (and gorgeous!) features was his hair. He had silky waves of some of the most beautiful curls I've ever seen. They were so perfect.

I felt my face getting hot. Was I in love??

Then I died. The boy finally walked over to where I was and leaned against the locker next to mine. What he said to me was like he was killing me on the spot. He said....

"Did you know you are one of THE prettiest girls I have EVER seen?" he said in a deep and slightly raspy British accent.

"Excuse me?" I said, not knowing how else to respond.

"Sorry, I saw you from across the hall and just couldn't keep my eyes off you! I'm Harry by the way. Harry Styles!"

"Uhh... Nice to meet you Harry, but... why are you talking to me?"

"Because you are gorgeous."

For a second our eyes locked and I felt something. Something deep in my gut. A warm feeling. Memories danced across my mind, and I instantly snapped out of it.

"I'm Lex." I said finally.

"That's a very pretty name,"


We stood at the lockers and talked for a while. I found out quite a lot about Harry. First of all, he had nicknames like Hazza, the flirt, and Cheeky Chappy. I also found out he secretly loved to sing, but was afraid to show people.

I told him some things, too. It turns out, we had a lot in common! We were both 18, and our birthdays were both in February; his was the first, mine was the 14th. We both loved cats, too! It was fantastic.

I had no idea how long we stood there talking, but I was loving it! Harry was a great guy. He was really nice, and I was falling head over heels for his accent.

Things were going great, when all of the sudden a door to a class room next to my locker flew open and a boy with short brown hair, a striped shirt, red pants, and sneakers with no socks came bolting out of the room a huge grin on his face. He made me jump, A second boy flew out of the room running after the first one. I couldn't make out the second boy very much because he whizzed by me, but what I did make out was he had huge muscles, and had a look on his face that said, "I'm going to kill that kid!" He was drenched in water.

He was running down the hall yelling, "I'LL KILL YOU TOMLINSON!!"

"Not again," Harry sighed, "Lex, I gotta go. Ok? I'll, uh, see you at lunch. Bye!"

He took off, running down the hall after the two, yelling, "LOUIS WHY DO YOU DO THIS??"

I smiled to myself. Whoever that boy was I could tell he means trouble. I thought about Harry as I walked back to my dorm to do some unpacking. He seemed so nice and so cool! I want HIM to be on my friend list. Let's see... who had I met so far that I was friends with? Gosh, I had made so many in just in one day! Let's see if I can remember...

FRIENDS: Dani, El, Perri, Liam, Zayn (possibly), Niall (not sure about him yet), Harry (for sure!), maybe that Louis kid

Eight people! Wow! Well, at least five, because I wasn't sure about Zayn, and Niall was questionable. And the Louis kid I didn't really know.

When I got to my dorm, I unpacked a bit more of my things and thought of the Louis kid with the striped shirt and curly-haired Harry.

Curls and Stripes.

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