Chapter 13: A Song for Lex

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~Niall's P.O.V~

My pencil glided across the page. I knew exactly what I wanted to write. The words described Lex so well. It talked about how beautiful she is but she doesn't know it. The words flowed together, like a painting. How the colours just blend so well. By the time I had finished it was already lunch. Crap! I had just skipped all my morning classes. I grabbed my guitar and stuck it in the case. Then i grabbed my notebook and raced down to the lunch room to meet up with the lads not stopping at my dorm to put my guitar away.


When I got there Lex and Louis were talking and writting down things on a piece of paper. Probly something for class. Liam and Dani were eating and talking. And El and Perri were doing each others nails while Zayn and Harry took turns drawing doodles on a piece of paper. I sat down next to Harry far away from Lex who was at the other end of the table. She glanced up and looked at me. She was frowning but I saw the one corner of her mouth go slightly up. I waved then her eyes went down to what Louis was writting down on their paper.

"where've ya been buddy?" Harry asked.

"oh uh just in the music room playing my guitar" I answered.

"figures." Harry said.

"Hey Harry, Zayn!" i snapped my fingers in front of Zayn's face to get his attention off of drawing.

"what do you guys think of this. It's about Lex. I just couldn't help it I felt compeled to write a song about her." i handed them the note book.

Harry and Zayn's eyes danced across the page as they read the song.

"That's REALLY good Niall!" Zayn exclaimed.

"this might be one of the most beautiful songs i've ever seen you write!" Harry said, still shocked looking at the words.

"So I have a..... Thought. I want to sing this in the talent show for Lex. But. I need some help" I said looking at Harry and Zayn.

Zayn nodded his head like he heard me but didn't quite understand what I had said. Harry knew exactly what I was talking about.

"NO! I am NOT I repeat NOT singing this in the talent show!" Harry exclaimed.

Zayn finally caught on. "I agree with Harry there is NO way I'm singing in front of the whole school."

"oh c'mon guys! Do it for Lex!"

Harry and Zayn shook their heads. I needed to come up with something quick.

"look guys if we don't do this nothing will change about our lives. Before Lex came we were harassed by Stupid Greg. But since Lex came into our lives something was different I can feel it! But we still get harassed by Greg don't we?" Harry and Zayn nodded. "This is our chance to show people the real us! Look Harry what do Greg and other people mess with you about?"

"ummm my liking of girls and how my nickname is "the flirt" and my hair everyone thinks it's too girly" he said.

"well Harry this is your chance to change that! Show people your incredible voice! Show people you are NOT girly. That you CAN sing and be a man. Zayn! What does Greg mess with you about?"

"um how shy I am and how i'm incredibly quiet. They think i'm weak and Greg doesn't think I can sing. He thinks i'm to much of a wimp and am to shy to get up in front of people."

"well show Greg you can sing and show him you are NOT too shy! I know you have that voice in you just waiting to show people what you can do! Guys we can make a difference in our lives! Now let's go over to Liam. Greg thinks it's hilarious Liam only has one working kidney. When it's not! And everyone thinks he's so serious when he isn't! And Louis! No one ever takes him serious because he pranks everyone. He could prove to people he can sit down and accomplish something. He can be serious! We've seen him do it! He's only serious when he's singing! So guys what do you say? Can we change some things in our lives!l?"

They were silent.

" what do they mess with you about?" Zayn asked.

"well the fact that i'm different! You guys are british! Everyone else is british! I'm Irish! And think about Lex. She's AMERICAN! Poor girl! I'm surprised Greg hasn't Run into her yet and started messing with her. So guys what'd ya say? For Lex?"

I put my hand in the center of the table wanting the two to put their hands on top.

Harry stared at my hand. I could just see the gears turning in his head. He was definitely thinking really hard because he had that really poutly look on his face and his eyebrows were arched doward. He had on a look that looks like he's angry but he's really just thinking really hard.

"Niall! What did you do to Harry's face!" Louis yelled down from the other end of the table.

"Nothing! He's just thinking really hard about what I told him!" I shouted back.

Louis looked at me weird but went back to his and Lex's work.

Then I felt something on my hand. I looked down and noticed Zayn's hand resting on mine. I looked up at him. He smiled.

"I'm in. I think it's time for a change!"

I grinned at him. Zayn was in! We both looked at Harry. Now he would have to make up his mind.

"Harry? what do ya say?" Zayn asked.

Harry sighed.

"well if it's for Lex then...." he looked over at Lex who was laughing at something Louis said.

He put his hand on Zayn's.

"I'm in. For Lex!"

Now I had Zayn and Harry in on it! Now we'd have to convince Liam and Louis.

"Now comes Louis and Liam" Harry said. "and All i'm gonna say is Liam is NOT gonna be easy to convince. Yes it was easy to get him sing in front of us and especially Dani but there is no way we're gonna get him to sing in front of the whole school! It's not gonna be easy but I think we can do it" Harry said looking over at Liam.

We all decided to tell Liam and Louis after classes at our dorms. Just then Louis exclaimed jumping up.

"YES WE'VE FINISHED!!!! WE JUST WROTE A FIVE MINET PLAY!!" he and Lex high fived and sat back down. Good for them.

After that We all split up again and I went around and finished my classes. Then I went back to my dorm to put my guitar away. And when I walked in what I saw horrified me.

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