Chapter 24: Harry's House

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~Lex's P.O.V~

At about noon I was awaken by the gentle nudging of Harry.

"Lex." He whispered. "We're here"

I opened my droopy eyes and rubbed them groggily. I had apparently been sleeping for the past 4 hours.

"Where?" I asked still half a sleep.

He smiled at me.

"My house of course!"

"Oh right. I knew that."

He laughed at me. Then we hopped out of the car and grabbed our suitcases.

"Ok lets go show my mom i'm here" Harry said.

"Wait! She doesn't know you're coming!?"

"Nope! I'm surprising her!"

I nodded. Interesting.

Harry knocked on the door grinning. We waited. And waited. AND WAITED. Till finally we heard foot steps from inside.

"Look if you're selling anything I don't....." Harry's mum looked up. Her mouth dropped open.

"HARRY!?!?!" She yelled grabbing him into a huge hug. She was crying now. "You're so grown up!!!" Then she saw me.

"Oh is this the girl you've been calling me about!?" She asked. I blushed. So did Harry.

"MOM!" He kinda half yelled half whispered to her.

"Lexi right?"

"Lex but yes. Very nice to meet you." I said shaking hands with her.

"I'm Anne very nice to meet you also" she replied. "GEMMA COME SEE YOUR BROTHER!" Anne shouted.

Mrs. Styles was a very pretty lady. She had Long dark brown hair and Deep brown eyes and a beautiful smile it was very white. Then a girl came into the room she had Long brown hair and kinda brownish greenish eyes. She was very pretty. That must've been Gemma Harry's older sister.

"HARRY!" She yelled running towards him and giving him a hug. She looked at me. "Is this your girl friend!?" She said excitedly.

"Kinda" Harry said.

"Well come in please." Anne said taking my suitcase.

"Mum let me get that." Harry said grabbing my case. He and Anne went down a hall way and I was left alone with Gemma.

"Did he kiss you yet!?" Gemma asked.

"What!?! No. I mean he just. It was. It! Yes. Yes Harry kissed me." I replied.

"Knew it! But he's not your boyfriend!?"



"Because Niall kissed me too."

"NIALL!? Wow! Good for him!"

"Yay Niall kissed me before Harry had so I was stuck between boys."

"HE KISSED YOU BEFORE HARRY!!!!!?!????!!! OH MY GOSH!!! GREAT JOB NIALL!!!" She shouted.

Harry came back in the room and looked at his sister who slapped her hands across her mouth.

"Gemma. What are you doing?"

"Nothing!" She said plastering a smile across her face.

Harry nodded then went back down the hallway gesturing for me to follow. So I did. Harry led me into a cute little bedroom with posters of Coldplay and things like that.

"This was my old room!" Harry said smiling.

"Wow! Cute!" I said looking at all the knickknacks on his shelf.

"This is where we'll be sleeping." He said.


After getting unpacked I changed into a Gray Minnie Mouse sweater Black Jeans Uggs and I pulled my hair into a braid. Harry had changed into a purple sweat shirt that said JACK WILLS on it, Blue Jeans and Fuzzy socks. Then Him, me, Mrs. Styles, and Gemma all settled down to watch It's a wonderful Life. After the movie we all sat down to eat Christmas dinner. The ham was excellent! After dinner we all went into the living room and Gemma flipped on the fire and we sat down around the christmas tree and opened presents. They were mostly presents for Harry and his mum and Gemma but then Harry surprised me.

He handed me a small box I opened it to find a little necklace with half of a heart on it. It had engraving on it it said. YOU ARE MY but thats all That was on mine. I looked at Harry. He got up and went to the table and grabbed his car keys. He showed me the little half heart on his key ring he took mine and they snapped together because of the little magnetic disks on them. The full saying said YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING. I gasped "Harry this is beautiful!" I exclaimed. Grabbing him into a hug. He helped me put on the necklace. It shimmered in the light. It was really beautiful. After that Anne and Gemma went to bed early. But me and Harry didn't want to go to bed yet so we popped in Home Alone. I rested my head on his shoulder, fingering my necklace. I watched the guy named Marv slip down the icy stairs the kid Kevin had iced over with water. I smiled to myself. This was the best christmas ever! I took Harry's hand in mine. It felt like was made just for me. I snuggled into the crook of his neck. I felt his head turn. I couldn't see his face but I could tell he was smiling. Then Kevin on the screen who was now hitting the dudes with paint cans became blurry. My eyes were drooping. Then I let my Heavy eyelids close, and I dreamt of Harry's beautiful face

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