Chapter 4: Guitar boy

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After that fantastic drama class, I had voice, which was very uneventful.

I checked my schedule. I had art next - one of my electives. As I walked towards the art room, I passed Perri in the hallway, but no Zayn. I also passed Liam and Dani, who smiled at me and waved. As Liam passed me he said "Romeo!" then gave me a thumbs-up and winked. I laughed and gave him a thumbs-up and winked back. Dani just waved. Gosh I loved those two. As I walked down the hall, I passed a music room that was empty... or so I thought. Just then, I heard the sound of a guitar drifting out of the room. I heard singing as well. I paused to listen.

"My heart's a stereo. It beats for you, so listen close. Hear my thoughts in every note, oh oh. Make me your radio, turn me up when you feel low. This melody was meant for you, so sing along to my stereo..."

It was beautiful. I stood still and listened for a while. Eventually, the singing was reduced to the plucking of the guitar strings. Finally I just couldn't stand it any longer. I slowly but quietly pushed the door open.

Inside the room I saw a boy with his back facing me. He was strumming his guitar and humming. He was really good.

Then I accidentally sneezed and the boy jolted his body around. He nearly dropped his guitar.

The boy was wearing distressed baggy jeans, a white t-shirt, and some of the biggest white high tops I had ever seen. I noticed the faint glimmer of metal on his teeth, indication of braces. He had beautiful blue eyes, much lighter than mine. His hair color started out brown at his forehead but crept into blonde as it grew up his head, and it was brushed up into a quiff like Zayn.

"Um.... Do you mind?" he asked. He had an Irish Accent!!

"Oh, sorry!" I said. "I just was on my way to art and I happened to hear you singing. You have a lovely voice."

"You heard that!?"

"Um, yeah."

"Ok," he said, "Promise me you won't tell anyone!"

"Why!? You have a great voice! And you can play the guitar! You should be dying to show people your talent!" I almost yelled. I realized that I still had no idea who this boy was.

"Well, not anymore,"

The boy turned around and once again so I was looking at his back. He started to strum his guitar to the tune of Stereo Hearts again.

"Well, could I at least know your name before we start getting mad at each other?" I asked.

"Niall. Niall Horan," he said.

"I'm Lexi, but you can call me Lex."

"K," Niall replied.

"Niall, please answer this one question for me. Why are you in here? Don't you have classes?"

"Don't you?"

"Crap! Well, bye Niall. It was really great meeting you!" I said quickly. "I gotta go to art. Bye!"

I darted out of the room, Stereo Hearts still stuck in my head. Niall had seemed so grumpy.

After art, I went back to the music room to see if Niall was still there, but he wasn't.

I wonder why he wasn't in his classes?

I smiled at the thought of Niall. I loved his Irish accent! But I was also upset; I wanted to get to know him better. I hoped I would see Niall another time.

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