Chapter 53: Twitcams & Harry Styles

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~Louis's P.O.V~

I woke up to Niall sitting on the edge of Harry's bed talking to him.

"Hey Hazza! Greg called me Niall!" He said.

I looked around unsure of what he meant by that. Was Greg here? I didn't see him. Weird. I got up and walked over to Niall.

"Hey Nialler!" I said.

He turned to look at me.

"Oh hey Lou!" He replied with a smile.

"What are you doin?" I asked.

"Oh just talking to Harry here. Gosh I want him to wake up" Niall said pain appearing in his voice.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and stared down at Harry's sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful and calm. He actually really looked dead but as long as the machine continued to beep then that meant he was alive.

"Me too buddy me too." I replied to Niall.

We both sat in silence looking down at Harry. Niall turned his head away hiding how sad he really was that Harry wasn't here. Then Niall jumped. We both turned our heads towards Harry and I gasped. Harry's hand was laying on top of Niall's. He moved his hand rang through my brain.

"He moved his hand!" I whispered.

"HE MOVED HIS HAND!" I shouted excitedly. Niall sprang up letting Harry's hand drop from his and we high fived.

"Oh he could wake up soon!" Niall shouted now more excited than ever.

Harry had moved his hand this was incredible. He's in a coma and was able to move his hand. Oh Harry might be waking up soon.

~Harry's P.O.V~

I sat in the darkness listening intently.

"Hey Hazza! Greg called me Niall!" I heard an Irish accent say. Greg called him by his own name!? Impossible!

Then a slightly higher voice echoed through the darkness.

"Hey Nialler!" It said

LOUIS! Oh Louis. Louis was near me and and I listened to their conversation. I wanted to shout out to them so bad. I wanted to hug Louis, my best friend in the world. I wanted to see Lex again also. Louis and Lex were the two people I wanted to see most. I wanted to hug them both and see their smiling faces again.

"Gosh I want him to wake up" I heard the Irish accent say.

Oh Niall. I want to. I really do!

I wanted to tell them that I was here! That I could hear them, but my mouth wouldn't respond and I continued to stay in the darkness. Then I couldn't take it any more. I concentrated. I focused and tried to activate some part of my body. I felt a jolt run through me. I waited. Then there was excited yelling.

"HE MOVED HIS HAND!" I heard Louis yell.

I did it! I moved my hand! I got control! Now if I could just open my eyes that would be great. I tried but with no luck in the end.

There was shuffling then Silence and muffled voices. I wonder what the boys were doing.

"Good Morning lads!" I heard a deep voice say. I guess Liam was awake.

"Someone get Zayn up and we should go down to the food court for some breakfast" I heard a voice like Lex's say. It probably was Lex.

More shuffling and groans from who I assume was Zayn and then I heard a door click shut. I was alone now. The boys weren't in the room anymore. Awww I miss them already. I liked listening to everything they're saying. I like hearing them talk even though I can respond. But it's all good.

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