Chapter 14: Broken

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~Niall's P.O.V~

When I walked in the room Zayn was laying on the bed unconscious and his glasses were smashed on the floor. He had a nasty bump on his forehead. Greg was just sitting on his bed like nothing ever happened.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM!" i screamed dropping my guitar and running over to Zayn being careful not to step on the glass on the floor.

"Did what?" Greg asked going back to reading his comic book.

"DID WHAT!?!? YOU KNOW PERFECTLY WHAT YOU DID!!!!" i yelled I could feel my face getting hot I wanted to punch Greg so bad!!! I wanted to hit him in the gut so hard! But I knew it wouldn't do any good.

Greg had the muscles the size of footballs. Not the kind here in the the UK but the kind of football you throw that they have in america. If I tried to punch him I would be dead in one blow by Greg's massive fist.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed Zayn's container containing his contacts then I grabbed Zayn under the arms and hauled him out the door without saying a word. I walked to the dorm next to ours and knocked on the door. Liam answered. His faced instantly turned pale when he saw Zayn.

"please take him." I huffed. "He's heavy!" Liam helped me carrie Zayn onto the couch. Harry walked in from the bathroom.

"What the heck happened!?!?!"

"Greg!" i said.

Harry nodded. That's all I had to say.

I handed Liam Zayn's contacts.

"Give this to him when he wakes up." I said. "I'm gonna go get my guitar."

"why? Doesn't he have glasses?" Liam asked.

"Greg smashed them." i said then I walked next door to get my guitar.

But when I walked in I realised I wouldn't be getting my guitar. Greg was gone. But laying in his place was my guitar smashed to pieces. Laying on top of the bed was a note written in sloppy hand writing. It said:


I instantly broke down crying. My guitar! My beautiful guitar! Was smashed. I scooped all the pieces into a bag and stormed over to Liam's dorm. Tears still rolling down my hot cheeks.

I walked in the room and Louis was there too. Zayn was awake and eating soup while Liam treated Zayn's wound. ( His mom is a nurse btw so he's kinda an expert) I dumped the contents of the bag right on the floor in front of the boys.

The boys gasped.

"Niall!" Harry yelled "He broke your guitar!"

Tears were still running down my face.

Louis ran to me and gave me a hug. I buried my head in his chest. "I loved my guitar." I whispered.

"I know." Louis whispered back.

I pulled away from Louis and the five of us sat down on the couch together staring at my smashed guitar.

"How do we practice now?" I asked. "My guitar is smashed!"

Liam and Louis looked at me weird. Harry, Zayn, and I filled them in.

Louis agreed but Liam still looked unsure.

Zayn sat up and started moving around the bits and pieces of my guitar. He pulled out a large piece of the wood with something etched on it. It was Justin Beiber's signature I had gotten a while back. When I met him he signed my guitar for me.

Zayn handed me the piece. I held it and just sat there staring at it.

"We'll get you a new guitar buddy." Harry said. Patting my shoulder.

I Didn't answer.

"Guys?" Zayn started. "Could me and Niall stay here with you guys?"

"Sure!! You can!" Louis exclaimed a smile stretching across his face.

"It's just I don't think Niall really wants to go near Greg again judging on what just happened. And me personally wants to stay as far away from Greg as possible. " Zayn said.

"Where'll you guys sleep?" Harry asked.

"Harry! This couch is a two person fold out bed! They'll just sleep here!" Louis sarcastically said.

"Niall? Do you wanna stay here?" Zayn asked me.

I nodded.


after me and Zayn had gotten all our stuff packed into our suitcases and we were situated in Liam, Harry, and Louis's room we all sat down to talk. 1) about Stupid Greg and 2) about the talent show. We had managed to convince Liam to give into the subject, but now we had to decide how we were gonna practice. My guitar was broken so that would put a set back in our plans. Louis had left the room to do something I don't quite know what. So the four of us sat there talking. Zayn was holding his smashed glasses.

"my mum's gonna kill me! She paid like 200£ for these things!" Zayn said.

I still had the piece of my guitar with Justin Beiber's signature on it in my hands and the rest of the pieces were still on the coffee table. Just then the door opened and Louis walked in with something behind his back.

"look what I got!" he sang and he pulled out from behind his back a slightly worn guitar.

"WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!" I exclaimed.

"I barrowed it from El's cousin's great uncles anut's Cousin! Who had given it to El so basicly I barrowed it from El."

"Thank you Lou!" I said giving him a huge hug.

"Hey what are Mates for!" he exciamed.

We all sat down together and I pulled out my notebook and strted to strum the cords of the song I wrote. And we all started to sing the lyrics of the song in unison. We were gonna work on it. But we sounded really good!"

"That's really great Niall!" Liam said grinning.

"This year we are going to smah this talent show! We are going to smash it! Everyone is gonna know who One Direction are!" Louis excaimed.

We all stared at Louis.

"One Direction? Really?" Harry asked.

"Yay I thought It should be the return of One Direction. Ya know? It was our name before well the incident that stopped us from singing happened. So is it the return if One Direction?" Louis asked puting his hand in the center.

We all hesitated at first but then we all sighed and put our hands in the middle.

"So we're really gonna do this?" Harry asked.

"I guess so!" Zayn said.

Then we all yelled. ONE DIRECTION! And threw our hands in the air. Oh yay we were back baby!

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