Chapter 30: News

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~Lex's P.O.V~

December 30th 2012

It had been about 2 days since we got back from Harry's house and we hadn't even told anyone that we were together. I grabbed Harry in the hallway and told him the game plan. We decided to break the news at Lunch. I continued on with my classes heart pounding. Wondering what everyones thoughts would be. Finally it came time for lunch and me and Harry met up in the hallway and walked into the lunch room together. We sat down at our table not saying a word. Then we exchanged glances, And I nodded at Harry. He stood up.

"Umm guys!?" He said. Everyone turned to look at him.

"Umm uhh... Me and Lex as you know went to my house for christmas. And we uhh kinda we..." He stopped. He didn't know how to say it! I stood up now.

"Umm what Harry is trying to say is after hanging out and being friends, me and Harry decided to be more than just friends." I said taking Harry's hand.

It took everyone about a minuet to register what I had said then Louis stood up and cheered.

"LET'S HEAR IT FOR THE HOPPY COUPLE! I MEANT HAPPY! YAY!!!" Everyone laughed and cheered.

Everyone that is except Niall. He got up from the table and left the lunch room. I frowned and well I didn't care if people noticed I grabbed my coat and followed him.

Niall went down the halls and ended up going outside. He walked down the side walk. Not stoping.

"Niall!" I shouted. He didn't stop. I tried again. "Niall!!" He still didn't stop. One last try.

"NIALL!!!" I screamed.

He turned around to face me. His cheeks were pink from the cold and the sun caught a little glisten on his cheek.

A tear.

I walked up to Niall and whipped the tear from his cheek.

"Niall what's wrong?"

He stared at me not saying a word. Then he spoke.

"I.....I love you! It's not fair! I.... I never get the girls. OH WHY AM I SO UGLY!" he shouted then he started to sob.

"Oh Niall you are not ugly!" I said back to him.

He looked at me me his Sky blue eyes shimmered.

"Then why don't you love me?"

The question struck me. Why don't I love him? I honestly didn't know the answer.

"Niall..." I began but he cut me off.

"NO! I mean why do all the girls pick Harry ? Huh? Why!? Doesn't anyone love Niall?! Does anyone ever talk about Niall like they talk about Harry?! Huh!?"

I was silent. Just staring at the ground.

"I thought so." He said.

He started to continue walking.

"Niall! Wait!"

He turned around again.

"We could still be very close friends."

He looked at me then he nodded and disappeared behind the side of the school.

Where was he going?

I walked back into the school trying to think of what just happened.

Niall was officially jealous, and mad, had I just simply made our friendship worse? Had I just broken me and Niall's bond? I hoped I hadn't as I walked back into the school. I sat down next to Harry. He looked at me and raised his eye brows as if saying Well? I shook my head. He nodded then turned to Zayn who was asking him a question about who knows what. I didn't tell Harry because it's between me and Niall. No one needs to know.

Niall didn't come back to lunch. I actually have no idea where he went. I just went to my afternoon classes and never saw a glimpse of Niall. He wasn't even in the music room. I started to get worried. I asked the boys, Perrie, El, and Dani if they had seen him but no one had. Where was Niall!? I wanted to talk to him so bad. I wanted to see if he was alright. I wanted to tell him things would be alright. But I Never got to. I didn't see Niall for the rest of the day. He wasn't at Dinner. I honestly don't know where he had gone off to.

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