Chapter 51: Heaven

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A/N: hey guys! Thank you all so much for reading this so far. That last chapter was intense huh? And I'm sorry it was short and really crappy. Now if your wondering if Harry is dead well i can't tell you. The next few chapters are going to be pretty intense and kinda sad. So brace yourself for some secrets to be revealed and some struggles.

I am nearing the end of this book which is oh so sad. I have had so much fun writing this and maybe I will write a sequel.

Well without further a do here is Chapter 51: Heaven.



~Harry's P.O.V~

You never really know what heaven is like. People wake up from near death experiences and they try to explain what heaven is but they find in the end they never can. Heaven is so hard to explain. People have their own interpretations and thoughts about it but do we really know what is heaven? Do we honestly know what it is? No ones ever actually seen it. And when they do they can't explain. I've seen it and witnessed it. I'm going to try to recall the events of what happened. When I explain where I went it'll probably be unbelievable. Well here goes nothing.

I woke up in a white room. It looked misty and far off. Like we were in a cloud. I stood up and brushed off my cloths which were still my blazer and T-shirt from the talent show. I look around the room and noticed that the room actually had no walls. They seemed to go on forever.

I decided to walk in one of the directions and see where I end up. As I began to walk I noticed I didn't ache anymore. My wound was healed and I was fine. I felt reenergized and strong. I ran through the misty room never finding a wall to hit.

As I ran I noticed a man sitting on the ground looking glum and disappointed. I walked up to him and found I could speak.

"Excuse me? But would you know where I am and also are you alright?"

The man looked up at me with sad gray eyes. His expression changed to shock. He got up and walked away mumbling. "Poor kid. Lost his life to young"

Weird. I thought. I continued on running not knowing where I was going.

Finally I came to a gate. A big golden sparkling gate. The gates walls seemed to run on forever with no ending points. I stared up at the gate and carved in the gold was the words. "Kingdom of God"

Then it struck me.

I was in heaven! I'm dead!!!??? what!?! I looked around searching for answers.

Suddenly the gate opened. A shimmering figure of a woman appeared.

The woman had long golden hair that fell to her waist. She had a silver band on her hair and her Silver eyes were outlined in silver as well. She had a shimmering silver dress on that glistened every time she took a step closer to me.

Soon her gorges face was smiling down at mine. Her eyes looked kind and understanding. She brushed my cheek with her hand and moved a curl from my face.

I looked beyond the gates behind her. Wondering What life is like in heaven. She shook her head as if saying. "No your not ready for that place" I looked at her with confusion. Thinking what is she doing!? I'm dead I should go to heaven!

Then the floor disappeared from beneath me. I fell.

Down down down down. I fell into pitch black darkness. When finally I hit ground.

I was now in pitch black darkness. I couldn't see my body or my hands. In fact I couldn't see anything.

Suddenly a voice echoed throughout the blackness.

"It he alright!? Please tell me he's ok! Please!"

I knew that voice anywhere. The voice belonged to.


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