Stole My Heart (One Direction not famous)

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[Id like to make a note. It's been a few years since this was written, and since then I've definitely made improvements in my writing so warning ahead of time, I was twelve and wanted to write a fan fic. Thank you for even bothering to click my stuff. Happy reading !]

Chapter 1: Morning

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off in the most annoying way. I managed to pull my heavy head from the pillow. I brought my hand up and slammed it hard against the snooze button. I sat up in bed and rubbed my sleepy eyes. It took me a while before everything came into focus. I glanced at my clock: seven in the morning. I groaned.

I glanced at my calendar. September 7th. And, in big bold black letters was written, "FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE!!!!" That instantly put me in a good mood.

I live in London England, but I'm American. I know it's weird. But today I would be attending my first day at London School of Performing Arts! I was so excited. I groggily got out of bed and hopped in the shower to wake me up and stopped for a moment to look at my reflection in the mirror.

I had freckles running across my nose, curly brown hair, and sky blue eyes. I walked back to my room to put on something to wear. I only had one outfit left because we moved all my other clothing and my other stuff to my dorm at college. I quickly changed into my pink floral dress with gold flats, and a cream colored sweater. I pulled one side of my hair into a gold bow clip. Then I checked the temperature outside and finally decided to put on some leggings under my dress to match my sweater. I ate breakfast, then finally, I said goodbye to my family (yes there were tears). I hopped into the car and my dad drove me to college.

College, here I come! I thought.

For some reason, though, I had a feeling something big was going to happen in the next few years.

Chapter 2: College

Oh. My. Gosh. London School for Performing Arts was huge! Different, too. Besides the fact that everyone was British, I felt like I fit in well. I walked into the office where everyone was registering and saying goodbye to their mums (what they call moms in England - I'm learning more British-English by the minute!) and dads. I checked in and got my dorm room number, my class schedule, and my locker number. I wandered to my locker so I knew where it was. I walked up stairs to my dorm room, but when I got there I found two girls already unpacking.

One girl had dark curly hair and brown eyes. The other was a little bit shorter with straight brown hair and brown eyes.

"Um... Hi," I said.

The girls turned around and smiled. The curly-haired one walked over and stuck out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Danielle!" she said with a smile.

"And I'm Eleanor," the other one said, "but you can call us El and Dani!"

"I'm Lexi," I replied. "But you can call me Lex."

"Oh! You're American!" Dani said with a smirk.

"Um, yep!" I said, not sure if it was a good or bad thing.

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" El said.

She opened the door to a girl with almost bleach blonde hair.

"You will never believe who I just saw in the hallway!" the girl said. "I saw-" She stopped to look at me.

"Oh! Lex," Dani said, "This is Perri. Perri, this is Lex."

"Nice to meet you!" she said, grinning.

"Hi," I said, now kind of embarrassed that all these girls knew each other.

"Ok," Perri began again. "I saw Zayn in the hallway!! He said all the boys are going here for college too!!" she squealed, a huge smile stretching across her face.

That's when all three of the girls started jumping up and down and screaming their heads off.

Suddenly I felt very alone. I realized I knew no one at this college, and here I was, in a room with three girls who were best friends. Then Dani noticed me.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess," I said.

"Oh," she said, "it's because we're, like, screaming and stuff! Sorry! You see, Perri saw her boyfriend in the hallway, and he said that our boyfriends are here too, so we were just really excited! Sorry!"

"It's ok," I said, looking at the floor.

"Hey, tell you what!" she exclaimed. "How 'bout I see your schedule?"

I handed it to her.

"Wow! We have drama and English together! I guess I'll see you there!" Dani exclaimed.

I exchanged schedules with Perri and El, too. I had math with El and history with Perri. My first three classes were social studies, drama (with Dani) and then voice (which I was kind of dreading because I was a terrible singer. The only reason I was at a school for performing arts was because I liked acting. Not so much singing. But who knows? My mind could change over four years!)

Just then, a lady's voice came on over the speakers and told everyone to grab their books and report to our first class in five minutes. The girls and I scrambled for our stuff. Perri left our room and went back to her dorm in a rush.

Dani, and El and I made our way to our classes. We went down a stairwell then broke off from each other for different classes. I waved goodbye to El and Dani and turned in the direction of social studies.

I didn't watch where I was going and ran right into someone. Books and papers went flying.

"I'm so sorry!" I said, gathering my books and not looking up at who I had run into.

"It's alright," I heard a semi-deep British voice say. That's when I dared to look up into the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes I had ever seen. I stood up and looked at the boy I had run into more closely.

"You alright babe?" the boy asked. He had gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, and his brown hair was in a buzz cut. He smiled at me and his eyes squinted. He was wearing a plaid shirt, jeans and blue Converse all-stars. He looked so nice and neat!

"I'm fine!" I said.

The boys stuck out his hand.

"I'm Liam. What's your name?"

"Lex. Nice to meet you," I said giving Liam's hand a firm shake.

"So, uh... where ya headed?" Liam asked.

"Social studies." I said.

"Cool! Me too!" Liam exclaimed. "Wanna walk together?"

"Sure!" I answered.

So we did. And on the way there, I realized I might've just found a new friend.

Stole My HeartTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang