Chapter 55: Stole My Heart

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~Lex's P.O.V~

Niall started to run back to Harry's room for some odd reason.

"Niall what are you doing?!" I shouted after him.

I quickly raced after him. When I got to the door Niall was half in Half out.

"Niall what are-" I began to say but my words stopped when my eyes moved to Harry. His eyes were wide open and the green color sparkled. His curls were in his face and his chest heaved up and down. Tears formed in my eyes.

"HARRY!" I screamed.

I ran to his side and gave him a huge hug.

"LEX! OH MY GOSH LEX!" He sputtered out. "NIALL! YOU'RE HERE TO!"

A huge grin stretched onto Niall's face. Once he helped Harry sit up, Niall gave Harry the biggest hug possible.

"Guys are you coming or- HARRY!" Louis screamed. "YOU'RE AWAKE!"

Louis ran over to Harry and hugged him. Lou was crying now.

"GUYS! HARRY'S AWAKE!!!" Louis shouted into the hallway.

Liam and Zayn were in the room in a matter of seconds. Everyone was laughing and crying all at the same time. I think I was crying the most. The doctor had come in to check Harry and all his instruments were working perfectly. I was laying in the bed next to my curly-haired boyfriend resting my head on his shoulder.

"Hey Harry. We got it!" Liam said after a while.

"Got what?" Harry asked.

"The record deal! We're signed by Simon Cowel!" Louis exclaimed.

"No way! Really?!" Harry said.

"Yep we start recording in september!" Louis replied with a smile.

"Hey Zayn. Why did you use my tooth brush to get dog gunk off your shoe?" Harry asked.

"You Heard that!?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah. I could hear everything you guys were saying" Harry replied.

"Everything?" Niall whispered.

"Everything. And Lex. I'm so sorry Kent did that to you. I'll never let that happen to you ever again." Harry said kissing my forehead.

"Oh Harry I missed you." I whispered.

"I missed you too!" Harry said.

I still couldn't believe Harry was awake. I mean after all we had gone through.

I still remember the first day I met him. He was this adorable curly - haired boy just smiling at me from across the lockers. I remembered our first kiss in the snow, and when he brought me home and held me close. Our secret hiding place know one knows about. Our first date and how he made me feel incredible. The story he told me about how the boys vowed never to sing again. How I remember watching him on the stage and thinking these boys were born on the stage. How he had risked his life to save me. And here we are now.

All these things brought all of us together closer. And how I loved all these boys with all my heart. They changed my life in so many ways.

A million things were going through my mind. How Liam was the first one I had met out of all the boys and how Dani had been the first real friend I had. And that Harry was the best thing that ever happened to me.

I turned my head to Harry and smiled at his beautiful face. I moved a curl out of his eyes.

"I Love you!" I said.

Then I smashed my lips to his.

After all. Harry Had Stole My Heart.

~ Niall's P.O.V~

We're all back at collage now. Harry's in a wheel chair because his legs are still to weak to walk on judging by he hasn't used them in 6 months but all of us have gotten special instructions to make Harry at least stand and walk a little bit everyday.

I'm in the library studying and stuff. I turned the page in my physics book then looked around. I got up to go check out the book when I tripped and fell. My papers and note books went flying into the air. Crap! I muttered. I started to pick up my stuff when a hand with glittery pink nails handed me my book.

"Here. I think this is yours." A soft british" accent whispered.

I looked up to find myself staring into gray eyes framed by those black glasses and blonde hair tipped in red and pink.

"Oh thanks" I replied.

I stood up and took the book from her.

We stood there for a moment just staring at our feet.

"You're Jade right?" I asked looking up

She nodded.

"I'm Niall. Did you know you're like really pretty" I said smiling at her my braces showing.

She giggled slightly.

"Nice braces." She whispered.

"Nice hair" I said back.

I looked at her youthful face and how absolutely gorges she was. I decided to ask her some questions you know get to know her.

"So uh how old are you?" I asked.


"What brings you to the library?"

"I work here at the front desk."

"Got any hobbies? Can you play any instraments?"

"Reading, drawing, and I can play the guitar."

"Seriously!? The guitar?! So can I! That's so cool!"

"I learned it for you" she whispered.

We were silent. She learned the guitar just for me? I thought for a moment and the only question I could think of popped in my mind.

"Hey Jade."


"Do you have a boy friend?"

End of Book 1


Ok Thank you all for reading this story!! You are all so amaZAYN! Hee hee! But now I'll do a little question session so any questions you have I'll answer them. Just leave them in a comment and I'll try to answer all of them if you even have any questions. But anyway. Thank you Sooooooo much for reading! You guys are THE BEST! I'm glad anyone took the time to even read this story! So Please Please PLZZZZZZ leave a comment and almost write a little essay on what you thought about this story. I want feed back for any future stories I do. And I have an Important question for all of you. Should I write a Sequel or should I send One Direction on a whole new adventure? You decide. Once again thank you all so much and give me feed back:) Thx!

Until next time.

@onedirection_luvr123 out.



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