Chapter 22: Driving down the road

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~Lex's P.O.V~

I was laying quietly in bed just resting and having a wonderful dream when I heard Some lovely Singing. I smiled just listening it was almost like whispers I kept My eyes closed though I listened to the song.

Niall's voice along with a guitar: "It's time to get up in the moring."

"In the moring"


"We got Mc Donald's breakfast for you"

"And fbbh any other brand."

"We drive two miles to get it! So you better get up and eat it."

Then the singing got annoying and I felt someone On top of me.


I pushed Liam off of me and sat up in bed.

"What was that!?!"

"We're waking you up!!!' Louis said running over to the bed and sitting next to me.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Liam yelled his hands in the air.

I gave them all big hugs then they all left the room and then there were two. Me and Harry.

"You ready babe?"

"Ready for what!?"

"To go to my house!"

"Oh yay yes! Yes I am."

"Good because we're gonna leave soon. You packed?"

"Yep heres my suitcase."

He took my pink and white polka dot suitcase from me and we all walked down stairs.

The others were in the parking lot loading up their cars and stuff. Apparently what was going on was since Harry can drive we were gonna take off, but since Liam and Niall. can't drive Zayn was going to drive With Perrie and stuff. And Dani was going to drive Liam. Then Louis was going to take El and Niall, but drop Niall off at the airport so he could catch a plane to Ireland. Then he would take a bus or a Taxi to Mullingar.

We all said our goodbyes then Harry started up the engine and the next thing I knew we were driving down a country road on our way to Holmes Chapels Cheshire.

The ride was beautiful! The trees covered in snow and frost. As we drove we turned on the radio and as Harry drove along I sang along to the songs and Harry sang along too. We laughed and joked and I was having the best time ever. I watched Harry laughing from the drivers side and I thought to myself. How did I ever get so lucky to find an amazing guy like Harry? Then all of a sudden Pay phone by Maroon 5 came on.

"OMG! i love this song!!!! Turn it up!!!!" I squealed.

Harry turned up the song and I started moving back and forth to the song.

"Do you know what!?" Harry asked.

"What?" I replied.

"This. This right here. This is gonna be us someday. You'll hear One Direction on the radio! You're gonna hear our song!"

"You really think you could be THAT big?" I asked.

"Hey It's a possibility."

"I know. I just want to know how are you so sure?"

He looked at me for a while then looked back at the road. Then he said something that surprised me.

"I saw it in a dream."

"A dream?"

"Yay it was an odd dream though."

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Nah. It's no biggy."

I went back to dancing to pay phone but Harry's words floated in my mind. This. This right here. This is gonna be us someday.

Could they? Could One Direction really become huge?

We continued driving. Passing lots of fields and houses. It was a really long drive from London to Homes Chapel.

After what seemed like an endless drive of sleeping, music, and jokes finally we arrived at Harry's house

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