Chapter 12: Accidenally in love

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~Niall's P.O.V~

Lex came over to me and grabbed a chair and sat down beside me.

"so now what?" she asked.

I thought about it for a second.

"well I start strumming and you start singing."

"no way! I'm not singing!"

"c'mon I bet you have great voice!"

"no not really" She turned and smiled at the ground her curly hair falling across her face. She was so beautiful.

"did you know you are absolutely gorges?'

She turned towards me.

"no i'm not."

"yes you are!"

"no. I'm. Not."she said.

I was shocked how could a girl like her be so beautiful and not know it? yes she's Insecure. I don't know what for. She's definitely turning my head when she walks through the door. Hey kinda catchy!

"ok so um how bout you sing ummmm baby for me?"

"Why Justin Beiber?"

"Cuz I really like him!" I said smiling at her! Gosh she was so pretty.

"ok fine I'll give it a go." She said.

I placed my fingers on the strings and started strumming the cords to Baby. And she began to sing.

"Oh oh oh. Dum dum. Oh oh oh. Dum dum. Oh oh oh oh oh. Ya know you love me! Ya know you care. You shout whenever and i'll be there. You are my heart you are my love and ya know we'll never ever ever be apart. And I was like Baby baby baby oh like baby baby baby no like...."

She had an angelic voice and all I could do was just smile.

When she finished I just sat there smiling at her.

"how was that?" she asked

"Beautiful!" I replied.

I sat there looking at her. I scooted my chair closer to her.

"ya know YOU love me ya know YOU care. YOU shout whenever and i'll be there" I sang, still looking into her blue eyes like mine.

"YOU are my heart. YOU are my love and you know we'll never ever ever be apart" she sang back.

Then I found myself doing the unthinkable. I leaned in towards her. I could feel the heat of her cheeks and I was now close enough her hair brushed my forehead. I looked at her then I leaned in a little more and whispered.

"you are MY heart. You are MY Love"

Then I kissed her. Flat on the lips. I felt her struggle at first but then she relaxed I could tell she loved it. I felt all the stress melting away. Kissing Lex was not like kissing other girls. It was what do you say? Magical. Like a spark. Something was there.

Then she pulled away. I saw something in her eyes. It was fear.

"I'm really sorry" I said realizing what I had just done.

"it's it's ok. I just...I just...I can't do this I'm sorry." It came out almost in a whisper. But I heard her.

"Lex? Is there something you need to tell me about?" I asked.

"no. I really should go. Bye Nialler. Um see you at Lunch." and with that she walked out of the room. I sat there for a while. Did I seriously just do that!? I did I kissed Lex. That's right who's the ladies man now? Huh? That's right NOT Harry. Yay this time I got the first kiss. I felt satisfied with that. Wasn't a very long kiss but it WAS a kiss.

I walked over and picked up my note book. I looked at the song I was writing. I only had one line written but it wasn't very good and I didn't think it should be the first line in the song. It said: "If I'm louder. Would you see me. Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me. Cuz we are the same. You save me. But when you leave it's gone again." and that was it.

I thought more about Lex. I don't think we were sapose to be in love. Whoops. I guess we're accidentally in love.

I flipped to a new page in my notebook, and started jotting down new lyrics to a song. A song about and dedicated to Lex.

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