Chapter 9: Songs

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The boys' faces were pale. They looked so shocked.

See, in truth or dare, if you refuse to do something, you have to do something else that is super embarrassing. Louis, being the brilliant minded person he is, came up with the punishment for every dare. If you refused any dare, you'd have to go out and run up and down the hallway naked. Brilliant Louis.

El stood up and looked directly at the five of them.

"Either you take the dare and sing in your amazing little voices or you give me your clothes and you run around naked outside. Harry put your shirt back on!"

"El, c'mon babe! You aren't really going to make me do this. You cannot be serious!" Louis said.

El stared at him, a frown on her face and her eyebrows facing down.

"Do I look like I'm serious?"

"Oh, uh, yes. Yes you do."

"So, Louis, baby, take the dare!"

"Fine! I'll do it!" he finally caved. "But only for you guys! No one else!"

"Thanks, sweetie!" El said with a grin on her face. She skipped over to Louis and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Louis just rolled his eyes.

Then he did the strangest thing.

Louis went over to his dresser and pulled out five microphones. He handed one to each boy.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Liam yelled. "I never agreed to singing!"

"Liam just sing! So we can get this over with," Louis replied.

The boys held their mikes, looking miserable.

"Ok, you got us up here!" Harry said.

"Now what?" asked Zayn.

"Duh! You sing, goofballs!" Dani yelled.

"We know that! But what?" Liam yelled back.

"How 'bout......" Dani paused in thought, then burst out squealing, "Oo oo oo! I know! Sing 'Torn!' You guys are amazing at it!"

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"They sang it at my birthday two years ago!" Dani said.

"Well, here goes nothing," Niall sighed.

He fished his phone out of his pocket and found "Torn" on his phone. He started the song. The music played. Liam closed his eyes took a deep breath and sang.

"🎶I thought I saw a girl brought to life. She was warm she came around she was dignified. She showed me what it was to cry. You couldn't be that girl I adored. Don't seem to know, or seem to care, what your heart is for. But I don't know her anymore🎶"

In came Harry.

"🎶There's nothing where she used to lie; this conversation has run dry. That's what's going on. Nothing's fine, I'm torn!"

All the boys sang together:

"🎶I'm all out of fate. This is how I feel. I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn.🎶"

The song continued on. It was so beautiful! They had better voices than I thought.

Harry finished the song.

"🎶Oh, torn!"

They were finished. Those five amazing boys hadn't sung together in two whole years!

The four of us girls all sat there with our mouths hanging wide open. We were speechless.

"So, uh... What did you think?" Liam asked timidly.

"What did I think!? Liam! That was.... the most beautiful thing I've ever heard!" Dani squealed as she bounced up and ran over to him, tackling him to the ground and hugging him with a big, passionate kiss.

When they were done Liam just hugged her and grinned.

"You guys should totally try out for the talent show!" Perrie said.

"Um, no way!" Zayn answered without hesitation. "I'm fine singing in front of you guys, but in front of the whole school? That has me wetting myself written all over it."

"But you would be amazing!" Perrie argued. "Please!? Let it be the return of One Direction!"

"What?" I asked.

"They were in a band together once, but something happened that they won't tell us about. It stopped them from ever singing again." Perrie said.

"That was kind of fun!" Louis admitted.

"Agreed!" the other boys said together.

"You guys should sing more next time!" I said.

"I can't promise you anything!" Harry replied.

"Oh my gosh! It's almost midnight! We should really be getting back. Bye boys!" El exclaimed.

The girls kissed their boyfriends goodnight, then the four of us walked down to our dorm.

"BEST. NIGHT. EVER!!" El squealed. "They were so amazing! They seriously need to try out for the talent show!"

We all went into our dorm and got ready for bed. We all dove under the covers of our beds, exhausted.

"Good night guys!" I said.

"Night!" replied Dani.

"This was a pretty awesome first day of college!" El commented.

"Yep!" Dani and I agreed.

I turned over and closed my eyes, the boys' sweet voices drifting through my mind. I was having a wonderful dream, when he showed up for the first time in two years. He was back.

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