Chapter 11: Scared

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After Kent appeared in my dreams again, I was scared. I was still shaking when I got out of bed the next morning. I felt sick to my stomach. I didn't want to go to my classes. I didn't want to see the boys.

Why was Kent back? Why would he be back in my dreams? He was a nightmare. He tried to kill me last time we were together.

I lifted up my pant leg and looked at the scar Kent had given me two years ago when we were dating. The scar ran down my leg from my knee down to my ankle. I wore long pants all the time to hide those horrid memories of the night he had gotten out the switchblade and cut me. He had done this so I would always remember him. So he would always be my worst nightmare.

"Hey. You ok?" El asked in a soothing tone.

"Yeah, just really scared,"

El came over and hugged me.

"If you ever need to talk, we're here for you." She glanced at my leg and her face turned pale. I suddenly realized I was still holding up my pant leg. I quickly put it down.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?!" she yelled.

"What's wrong!?" Dani said, rushing in from the bathroom with toothpaste foam around her mouth.

"It's nothing!" I said.

El was still shocked. When Dani went back into the bathroom, El rushed back to me.

"What happened!?"

"It's nothing! It happened two years ago! No big deal!"

I could tell that El was still frightened. She got up, grabbed her books, and just walked out of the room.

Dani came out of the bathroom dressed in an orange tank top, denim jeans, a jean jacket and pink high tops. Her hair was in an orange hair band.

"Where's El?"

"She left."

"Why?" I shrugged.

I got dressed and went down to the cafeteria for breakfast. We sat down at our table with the boys, who all looked groggy. All of them had messy hair, except Liam. But then again, he doesn't really have any hair. They were all wearing sweat shirts and hoodies. Louis had a beanie on over all his hair and had on a superman shirt with a yellow hoodie and jeans. Niall was wearing a hat with a grey sweatshirt, his usual baggy jeans, and his massive white high tops. Liam was wearing a batman t-shirt and jeans. Harry chose to just leave his wild curls alone and was wearing a grey t-shirt and jeans. Zayn was the worst. He didn't even brush his hair. He didn't shave, either, so he practically had a beard and was wearing a black sweatshirt, jeans, and big black rimmed glasses. His eyes were closed with his chin was resting on his hands on the table. Perrie explained how he normally wore contacts but said he had told her he was too tired to put them in this morning so he wore his glasses instead.

Perrie nudged his arm, but he didn't budge.

"He's asleep!" she said smiling. "Aww, isn't my baby so sweet when he's sleeping?!"

I glanced down the table and noticed Niall had fallen asleep, too, and Louis was busy filling Niall's hat with carrots.

"Man everyone is tired!" I said.

"Yep we didn't really get much sleep last night." Harry said


"Because we stayed up too late last night writing songs for...." his voice trailed off and his head hit the table. Harry was out too.

Now left awake at the table were me, Dani, Perrie, El, Liam and Louis, who was still filling Niall's hat with carrots.

"You guys were writing songs?" Dani asked Liam.

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