Chapter 52: The Hospital

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~Liam's P.O.V~



"GUYS! Let's just focus on getting to the hospital!" Lex yelled from the back seat.

Me, Louis, Lex, Niall, and Dani were in Louis's car while Zayn, Perrie and El were in Zayn's car. We were all literally racing (while being safe and driving the speed limit) after the ambulance containing Harry.

I sat back in my seat and closed my eyes.

This is Not happening. I thought.

I opened my eyes and glanced at Louis. His hands were shaking so much as he griped the wheel. His knuckles were turning white.

"Louis! Loosen your grip your turning your knuckles a different color!" I said.

Louis loosened his shaking hands on the wheel.

"Sorry. I'm just-just-just- So bloody Worried about Harry!" Louis yelled.

Then he began to cry. I was shocked. Might've been the first time I had ever seen Louis cry. As he drove he sniffled and then a tear rolled down his cheek. I placed my hand his shoulder.

"Louis. It's gonna be ok. Harry's gonna be alright. Harry's strong. He doesn't go down without a fight." I said.

"He's quite cheeky and he wouldn't just let himself go" Dani said.

"He wouldn't say goodbye to his family just yet" Lex said.

"He wouldn't say goodbye to us or Lex yet." Niall said.

"And Louis. He's your best friend. He wouldn't leave you alone. You guys have been through everything together. Through thick and thin. He's always been there for you" I said.

Louis smiled.

"I guess your right. But what if he isn't ok. What if he's....dead" Louis whispered.

"Let's think of all the good things that could happen Louis and forget the bad" Lex said.

We were silent the rest of the ride. You could just feel the tension in the air as we drove. We said all these wonderful things about Harry to make Louis feel better but we all knew deep down Harry wasn't going to entirely be ok. We all knew he's gonna be hurt in some way.

After what seemed like forever. Louis finally pulled into the hospital parking lot with Zayn right behind us. The 8 of us ran ( I literally mean ran) through the hospital halls. Racing past nurses and doctors. We raced up to the front desk and Zayn accidentally slammed into it, startling the nurse sitting there.

"A patient was just taken in here. Age 18. Curly brown hair. Name Harry Styles. Do you know what room they put him?" I asked.

"Oh yes he was just rushed down the hall into room 4B." The nurse said.

"THANK YOU!" We all yelled in unison.

We raced down the hall till we were directly in front of Harry's room. A doctor came out and I rushed up to him.

"Sir is Harry alright?" I asked.

"Oh we don't quite know yet. We're just hooking him up and running a few tests" the doctor replied.

"Can we see him?" Niall asked.

"Not yet. But if you will wait here in the chairs i'll let you know when you can" said the doctor who we soon discovered his name was Herb.

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