Chapter: 7 All together

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After talking to Harry and getting interrupted by Louis was that his name? Running down the hall I had gone back to my dorm to do some unpacking. After I unpacked all my stuff I grabbed One of my books and had to run down to history. I was just barely on time I ran in the room then the teacher walked in. So close.

Inside history I knew Perri and Zayn was in there! I picked a seat behind Zayn but next to Perri. It was so cool. Now I could get to know Zayn better. Well not really I didn't get to talk to him at all. All we did was independent work.


Finally lunch!!!! I was so hungry! I walked into the lunch room and was overwhelmed by the amount of kids! How was I ever going to find Dani or El Or Perri or Harry now!? I scanned the lunch room and finally found Dani in amongst the crowd I got my lunch then walked over to where she was sitting and was instantly washed over with happiness. Sitting at the table was: Zayn , Harry, Liam, Niall, the Louis kid, Dani, Perri, and El! Everyone I had met today!

Throughout lunch I found out all the boys and girls all knew each other and were all best friends I sat next to Dani with her and Liam on my right then Harry on my left. I was having so much fun talking to them. It was so awesome.

It turns out the striped shirt boy with the bright red pants name was Louis and what had happened earlier was he had put a bucket of water on top of the door and when the big muscular boy named Greg walked in the water spilled all over him. The water was meant for the teacher but hit Gregg instead and Gregg basically wanted to kill Louis over here but thankfully when Harry had run after them he had caught Liam in the hall and together they came to the rescue and saved Lou's life from him getting destroyed.

We sat in the lunch room the 9 of us just talking and having fun. Then after lunch Louis said that after classes everyone come down to his Harry and Liam's dorm. Niall and Zayn shared another dorm with unfortunately the scary Gregg kid. Poor guys! As the 9 of us walked back to our dorms I walked up to Niall and apologised for walking in on him he said it was alright and I think we were ok again.👍yay! Before we all split up we all exchanged phone numbers and we all split up to finish up our classes. I finished up my classes and went back to my dorm and me Dani, and El changed our cloths then waited for Perri and we all walked down to the boys dorm.

When we walked in Niall and Zayn were already there but I was shocked. The room was a mess!!

"hey guys!!!" all 5 of the boys shouted.

"hey!" the three of us said.

"so now what?" I asked.

A huge grin stretched across Louis's face.

"we play a game!"

"what game?" asked El.

Louis's grin grew even bigger and he raised his eyebrows.

"Truth or Dare!"

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