Chapter 16: Just plain falling in love

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~Harry's P.O.V~

December 17th 2012

It was cold that morning. The wind was whipping around outside. And the ground and all the trees were covered in glittering white snow. The world looked amazing from our window all white and beautiful. Louis was especially excited that morning because it was 7 days till december 24 christmas eve and his birthday. Louis was turning 21. No longer a teenager anymore even though he acted like a 12 year old. Then the next month Zayn would turn 20 and then I would turn 19 and so forth.

It just so happened we had a field trip that day in science. I had it with Lex by the way. We were going to a stupid farm to study and collect...this is really gross but we're gonna collect cow Feces or poop as you could say. Disgusting!!

I grabbed my coat and scarf and went to the door but before I could leave Louis walked in from the bathroom.

"Oh you're going on your field trip. Have fun collecting..." He started smiling and tried to hold in his laugh he snorted.

Zayn walked in the room and saw Louis holding his laugh.

"Is he going to collect the..." Then Zayn started snorting. I rolled my eyes then Louis and Zayn looked at each other and at the same time they both said.

"POOP!" Then they both fell on the floor and broke down laughing.

"Hardy har har. Laugh all you want but you'll stop laughing when you see I get an A on this project. And don't forget you guys still have to go on this trip too! Bye guys!" I said as I walked out of the room with Zayn and Louis still rolling around on the floor.

I walked down the hall towards the front entrance where all the kids from my class were messing around in the parking lot. The icy wind hit me and and a shiver ran down my spine.

The teacher Mr. Stuart ran outside and saved a kid named Peter from a car coming into the lot. Then Mr.S stood there yelling at Peter for a bit. I heard something about naughty and dying but that was about it.

Then I saw Lex!

She was leaning against the side of the bus and was staring at Mr.S yelling at Peter. Her blue eyes stood out amongst the white sparkling snow and her hair whipped in the wind only making her even more beautiful. Those gorges curls flying in the air! She had on skinny jeans and purple high tops. She was wearing a brown over coat and a red scarf. I couldn't see her shirt because her coat was closed but her scarf hung out and was whipping wildly in the wind.

I smiled and started to make my way over to Lex. She noticed me walking towards her and she smiled and waved. I waved back. When I got over to her she was grinning ear to ear.

"What's up curly?" She said.

"You ready for this project?"

"Nope! I had nightmares just thinking about it!" She shivered.

Then Mr. Stuart yelled.

"Ok everyone! Grab a partner and then make your way to the bus! We're gonna go to the farm now!"

I grabbed Lex's arm and she smiled at me.

"So you wanna partner up?" She asked.

"Gladly!" I said

It took about an hour to get to the farm. We passed farm field after farm field. Just driving. On and on. We didn't talk much on the way there. Me and Lex. Mostly we both just played on our iPhones. About half way it started snowing again and we were then driving through a world of glittering gems raining from the sky. While I played Temple Run on my iPhone I made the mistake of humming some of the notes to Niall's song and Lex looked at me funny.

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