Chapter 50

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Simon felt something within him heal. Something within him, that was building up was slowly getting destructed. He looked at the woman who he loved so much. 

Violet caressed his cheek as tears glistened in her eyes "I-I'm so sorry that you had to go through so much."

Simon looked at her "Viol-Violet. It's not that I'm pushing you away- hell I'll never do that. I'm forced to keep away from you. Only for you. If anything happens to you tomorrow, I will never be able to forgive myself."

Violet cried and hugged him, dampening his shirt "I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry that I blamed you."

Simon felt tears at the rims of his eyes "you never 'blamed' me, love. You did not know what I had been through." He pulled her away for a moment and gazed into her eyes "Violet look at me."

As she looked at him, Simon cupped her face "I want you a lot. More than you can ever imagine. You mean so much to me. In fact you are the only person I can trust and love. But darling, seeing you in danger is the last thing I want."

Violet nodded and sat in his chair. Simon sighed and looked at her. Her hair were framing her face softly and he tucked a loose strand behind her left ear.

Violet shivered at his touch. He took this as a sign and sat down on the floor, cupping her face. Simon brushed her right cheek with his palm and she moaned like a cat, feeling her cheek softly against his embrace. 

"It irks me how much I want you, and yet I can't have you" Simon whispered, tracing his thumb lightly against her left brow.

"Simon, why is your father like this? Why only MIRANDA? Why not any other lady?" Violet questioned restlessly as she gripped the sides of the chair in anger.

"Either he's affected mentally by his childhood shock or he just doesn't want to see me happy. I am pretty sure that If I hadn't questioned him about my mother or sister that night and just left him to his devices, he would've allowed me to marry the woman of my choice. He just wants revenge now for my behavior that night with him. Pride and ego, along with a massive dose of self respect is what fuels him, and honestly he wouldn't bat an eyelid for what's gone. He just wants to see me miserable."

Violet stood and walked over to the window, seething with ire "that's not possible. How can someone tolerate the fact that their father killed their family? You had to question him. Your mother and sister were your own blood."

Simon groaned and stood "yes, exactly. I was...I was...shook. Unable to understand anything at that moment. It hit me like a storm- fast and furious. I-I Violet, I was changed after the incident."

Violet looked at him and Simon walked over to the window, standing beside her and staring out at the moon. The sky had cleared up a little, but still everything looked bleak and uninviting "You know, after that night, it was as if I couldn't recognize myself. I had changed into this hateful person overnight. Incapable of loving, incapable of giving. Everything seemed dull to me. All my energy and my will to live- both were as if perished. Hate started filling me everyday and it was too much to bear."

"Is that- is that why you-" Violet asked softly, covering her mouth in pity.

"Yes. That was the day I changed into this person, London apparently couldn't digest. Most of my friends started turning away from me after I started fighting in clubs, venting out my anger at whoever talked too much, laughed too much, drank too much, jested too much. Literally anyone. People still invited me for parties, as they do now, because I'm an earl, but no host would ever approach me. I used to attend those parties to just divert my mind but all I ever did there was just sit back or play cards. I would do anything to cease having to converse with anyone. I was filled with so much rage, it was as if my father was strangling me. He started sending me letters every week after the incident. Those letters contained words like- 'bastard', 'idiot', 'hell with you', and so on. He used to write things like- 'did not expect this from you', 'you will see what I can do', 'just wait and watch'.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now