Chapter 19

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Gunrett's words touched Simon's heart. The emotion in his valet's eyes spoke volumes.

An emotion of reverence and gratitude. And maybe an emotion of friendship.

Simon kept his hand on Gunrett's shoulder "go, get some rest."

Gunrett smiled and left.

Simon could've spoken something else, but at times like these (which did not come often), he found himself speechless.

Watching Gunrett leave while holding the scents carefully sparked something unusual in Simon's soul. There was something so strong and yet so mild about Gunrett's love for roses, that Simon couldn't help but wonder.

Wonder about love.

Love was something Simon never received in abundance.

He was a fool in his initial years to think that love had a form. A shape. A being. But after a few years, it struck him that love is something that can never be expressed. Maybe felt. But never expressed. Love is a raw feeling, ripened by mutual understanding and respect. People often forget that no relationship runs simply on love. A relationship runs on mutual understanding and respect. And what fuels a relationship is love.

Simon walked to the nearby garden to rest. Maybe he could push himself in these deep thoughts or sit and simply look at the sky. He liked staring at the skies and then wondering about their resemblance to absurd objects.

As Simon entered the garden, he saw Violet. Sitting on a far away park bench, with her hands folded subtly in her lap, looking straight ahead, as her bonnet formed a large shadow on the ground. Simon frowned. Violet looked utmost serious and she looked like she might...cry?

Simon walked over to her. Something about her expressions did not seem right.

Her maid who stood behind Violet, backed off a little as Simon came closer.

Simon could see Violet's eyes shift to his face, but she did not react. She seemed so lost in her own thoughts, that she forgot that she needed to get up and bob a curtsy or at least smile with a meek 'hello'.

"Miss Violet?"

Violet continued to look at his face. Simon could see the brilliance in her face features. He was quite close to her and he could see the sharpness of her eyes, the curve to her lip, the unusual shape of her nose, everything. God, she was just beautiful. How could someone be so perfect? So angelic, that Simon could bet that lord himself had dropped her from the heavens.

To add a spark of love in his dull life.

It took Violet five seconds to snap to attention.

"Lord Simon!" Violet exclaimed as she stood. She bobbed a curtsy and tried to smile.

"Miss Violet" Simon greeted as he sat beside her, when she sat back down.

"How do you do?" Violet asked fidgeting with her hands.

"I'm great. But you don't seem fine. Is something amiss?" Simon asked.

Violet gulped as she tried to think of something. Simon could see that she was trying quite hard to appear normal.

"Fin-fine, just a little tired" Violet said, as her lips twitched.

Simon frowned. He knew she was lying. Simon wasn't called a scholar at his university just because of academics. He was called a scholar, because he was truly one. Extremely brilliant and observant. He could remember numbers better than anyone he knew. He timed many events on his own and would love to count intervals of quietude a lot. Just like that, he was observant to such an extent, that at times he scared himself too.

He could fathom from Violet's expressions that she was clearly hiding something. Especially from him. Just from him. And he needed to know what that 'something' was.

"It's fine, Miss Violet. The atmosphere nowadays is such that, one tends to feel tired" Simon said, observing her completely "perhaps you could get some rest."

"Oh no no" Violet said shaking her hands "I'm doing really fine, jus-just.."

"Just what, Miss Violet?" Simon asked, softly.

"Nothing, really" Violet replied.

Simon fought a sigh. He looked at her intently. What was wrong with her? She looked too restless.

He decided to try reverse psychology on Violet. People usually gave in to that.

Simon continued to stare at her. He could sense the awkwardness. Perfect.

"Wh-why are you star-staring at me like that?" Violet asked, pulling herself back a little, as she adjusted her bonnet.

"Nothing" Simon said and smiled.

"Is something wrong with me? Why-"

"Nothing, really."

Violet gulped "no no, you are not telling me something, what is it, Lord Simon?"

"That is what I am asking you. What is wrong, Miss Violet?"

Violet let out an oh! of surprise.

After giving it much thought, Violet gave in "I-I want to tell you something, Lord Simon."

Simon nodded and came closer "yes?"

"I, umm.. Miss-" Violet began, and then started shedding a few tears.

"Miss Violet! What-" Simon exclaimed.

Violet's maid came forward. Simon motioned for her to stop. The maid gulped.

Violet's face looked too distressed.

"Lord Simon?"

"Can we please go to your home and talk?"

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now