Chapter 8

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Violet was finally brought into the mansion. As she lay unconscious, the servants of the home went upstairs to inform the owner of the mansion.
Violet could feel the movements. Probably in her subconscious mind.
She could feel small droplets of hot water being sprinkled on her face and the loud voices saying "please get up Miss."
Violet could suddenly feel her body getting close to her lost soul and some part of it warming up by the hot air that crackled in the house.
She finally regained her consciousness.
"Where am I?" she asked in a muffled voice and partially open eyes.
"Oh thank god you're alive!" a lady servant said, heaving a sigh of relief.
"This is Lord Simon's mansion. The respectable Earl of Watford" a footman said.
With that, Violet snapped open her eyes fully in the space of a second.
Even though she still felt tired and queasy, her shock filled her body with a new spirit.
How did she even land up in here?
"I-I here-" before she could complete her sentence, she heard footsteps. Heavy footsteps.
Footsteps that could make anyone feel uneasy. And footsteps that surely belonged to the Earl.
And there he was, in front of her eyes. Handsome and spectacular.
He was dressed immaculately from head to toe. Ah, his eyes. Blue and perfect. His face was perfectly carved to suit his brown and thick hair that bore slight springs of angelic curls that Violet wanted to touch. And then she looked at herself, almost sprawled over the sofa, her dress covered in mud and dirt. And she could bet her life that her hair had come out from the coiffure. She slowly erected her posture.
"Miss Violet!" Lord Simon exclaimed "dear God! What happened to you? Are you fine?"
The concern in his eyes almost baffled her.
"Lord Simon I-" and then she started coughing. She kept coughing as she felt her lungs catching fire.
Simon instructed the maids to heat up water for Violet's bath and told the footmen to bring in the medicines.
Before Violet could say anything to him, she was helped to her feet by two maids who took her to the bathroom. They gave her a bath and made her change into other clothes.
Violet felt worlds better but she still kept coughing.
She did not wanted a repeat of her childhood when she'd come close to death.
She wanted to live and love her parents forever.
Violet was given strong medications and a really strong cough syrup. She was made to eat some food too and told to sleep.
Her eyes kept searching for Lord Simon but he wasn't there. Then she realized that he was downstairs giving instructions to the servants to take care of Violet.
Violet finally drifted off to sleep.

She woke up 2 hours later feeling much better.
Her cough had miraculously vanished! Her body still felt a little tired, but besides that, she was perfectly alright.
She did it! She had narrowly escaped death.
It would not have been possible without the servants and Lord Simon.
As Violet slowly rose fro the bed, a maid came running to her.
"Thank you so much for the aid. I feel much much better!" Violet smiled.
The maid blushed and helped her to her feet. She made Violet's hair and tended to her.
Violet was brought downstairs to the Earl who was waiting for her.
As Violet came down, Simon stood up and greeted her.
"Please have a seat. How are you feeling now?" He enquired politely.
Violet sat on the sofa facing him.
"Lord Simon, I don't know how to thank you. I'm indebted to you. You just saved my life! And your people! Oh they're wonderful. They've helped me a lot" Violet smiled "I'm feeling really well and there are no traces of my cough either. Those medications did wonders."
"Yes. Those are the strongest ones used at extreme times. And please don't thank me, it's my duty. I'm extremely happy that you're fine now."
"Those medications must cost a fortune right?"
"They do."
Violet knew her parents would never be able to afford them. Oh God, this man had done a lot for her.
"But Lord Simon, how did I specifically reach here?"
"My footmen found you lying outside the mansion, on the side street, all unconscious.
They said you looked unwell and slightly blue. They hurried you inside and called me downstairs. What were you doing there but?"
Violet frowned and could suddenly get the feel of what had happened.
The thief, the chasing, all the running and the rain.
She narrated him the incident.
"Oh Lord. That must have caused you so much pain. I must say, why don't you get some more rest? Do you really feel well? Should I do something more for you?"
Violet did not know but in that moment she felt good. She felt contented.
Many men in her life kept chasing her for marriage but none ever bore the care in their eyes for her as this man did.
She knew she did not belong with him, but she liked Lord Simon.
He wasn't the demon, London made him look like.
Maybe he had an another side to him, that was undiscovered...
That went unnoticed in the phases of his, first popularity then hatred.
Probably this was his third side. And she was happy that she'd discovered it.
She did not care what London thought. For her, this man was pure gold.
"Not really Lord Simon. I need to go home. Or else people there would start worrying about my whereabouts. I've been gone for a long time now. But really, your concern makes me feel so much better."
For a brief moment they exchanged glances.
For a brief moment, Violet lost her senses.
And for a brief moment she felt empowered by an unspoken emotion.
"At your service" Lord Simon said and smiled a beautiful smile. His eyes sparkled and shone like the glistening waves of the ocean "by the way, the dress fits you perfectly."
"Oh! Thank you" Violet blushed and asked "whose is it?"
"It's my cousin sister's. She comes to stay here once in a year."
"I see. I need to leave now. Thank you for your precious time and sorry for the trouble I've caused."
"Just a small question, before you leave. Are you susceptible to the cold or easily affected by the rains? Because it can be clearly figured out."
"I'm actually sort of weak and have a low immunity."
"Please take care of yourself, Miss Violet."
Violet smiled "I will. And by the way sorry for last night. Your clothes er-"
Simon laughed "oh that had been quite of an incident. No worries. I hope you are alright because you fell down so suddenly."
Violet laughed too "I am quite alright. Thank you."
She really liked him. He was not at all angry, given the gravity of last night's incident.

As Violet left for her home in his carriage, she felt his eyes at her back. Looking at her. Seeking her attention. Caring for her.
And when she turned back for one last time, she saw him disappearing in the distance that ensued.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now